Trouble Brewing (A)

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I woke up to the feeling of a cold cloth across my face. My eyes opened to see Rosalie wiping my forehead.

"Rose? What happened?"

"you fainted" she replied quietly.

I sat up to see I was in her room It was just the two of us now and I was able to get a better look at Rosalie, she was indeed glowing, beautiful still, but I could see the bags under her eyes, the black starting to form around her pupils, the hallowed cheeks, she looked like she lost some weight.

"are you upset?" she asked shyly, glancing down at her hands.

"no... why would I be upset?" my hand gripped hers and she met my eyes.

"because of..." she trailed off her hand placed on her stomach. I placed my hand overs her, but she moved it so that I could have full contact with her stomach. It felt normal, pliable, just as it had been a few days ago, but I felt something else. Movement and a steady thrum of an electrical impulse. It throbbed periodically and it took me a moment to realize this was a heartbeat.

My baby's heartbeat.

I let out a small laugh before looking back up at Rosalie, I knew she wouldn't want to hear this, but she needed too "what if... what if it turns out like one of the immortal children? I don't know if I could..."

I trailed off; she knew what I was saying. I don't think I could kill it if it was like that.

"I have to know" she whispered. I knew she wouldn't let anything happen; she would try to keep this baby alive no matter what. And I would do what ever made her happy. This was her dream and if I could make it happen I will.

I looked at her noticing the black around her eyes "you need to hunt"

She nodded "I went hunting and everything was fine, but I felt a pain and disgust shortly after... I didn't think anything of it because I got a call from Bella. She figured out she was pregnant and wanted to keep the baby, I was afraid to leave because if I did then Edward or someone would make her get rid of him and I..."

I kissed her forehead "it's okay... are you okay?"

She smiled "tired, but I'm okay. Carlisle thinks the 'venom' is moving through my body keeping the baby safe and making sure I can deliver him. And I think he's helping."

I nodded "I guess I now know why I bit you" I cringed; it was embarrassing to talk about this sort of thing knowing other people are around. "but you still need to eat, he needs it too"

"I'm okay right now. I went the other day. Emmett and Lucia have been keeping me okay..."

Rosalie ran her fingers through my hair. I looked up at her "I will stand by any choice you make... just promise you won't leave me."

Rosalie smiled "I won't..."

I leaned my forehead against Rosalies "I want you to go feed as soon as you can, okay. With someone, not alone. I'll even go with you."

I felt Rosalie nod but tensed when she smelled something, I took a moment and realized what it was. It was something that shouldn't be here.


A growl ripped through my lips "stay up here okay"

Rosalie nodded and I opened the door to allow Esme into the room. She was waiting outside, worry for her adoptive daughter filling her being. She gave me a small smile and squeezed my hand before sending me downstairs.

Rushing down I found Jacob. He had made his way past everyone and was standing in front of Bella, her stomach on full display, Lucia by her side. Jacob turned his gaze on Edward and stalked towards him menacingly only to get stopped by Emmett.

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