Blood Type (A)

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The next day I decided to figure it out, would I tell Bella probably not, but I needed to know for myself. So, I watched them, avoiding Rosalie at all costs because if we were being honest, I didn't want to think she was like that. I didn't want to think that she could be a monster.

The easiest target for me to watch was Edward, we shared practically every class and he was taking a liking towards Bella. If they were dangerous, and I found that hard to believe, but if they were...

I had to know if Harry and Billy were correct. So, I made a checklist of things to look out for, from the old legends.

1. Red eyes – No but my great grandfather did supposedly meet some with yellowish or golden eyes.

2. Fast, very fast - Edward was able to move a good distance in a few seconds... but I was willing to chalk that up to my mixed-up mind. I had never actually seen any of them run.

3. Strong? Inconclusive... Bella swore Edward pushed the van and protected us. If she were to be believed, then yes, he was extremely strong.

4. Cold but not just cold. Ice-cold and Pale white. They were pale, but so was Bella so that meant nothing, were they ice cold? Not enough evidence to make an accurate decision on that.

5. Finally, Blood lust – unable to control themselves around blood... Carlilse worked in a hospital, so it seemed unlikely. But the story claimed they were different, hunted animals.

It wasn't much of a list. And none of it was something I could undeniably prove or say I witnessed. I was starting to feel ridiculous for judging the Cullens.

They were just pale...

But as I came to that conclusion, I saw something that put the hunt back on. Bella got out of her truck and dropped her keys, when she leaned down to pick it up Edward beat her too it. It was like he materialized out of thin air. I watched them argue for a moment before heading to class.

No. 2? Check.

The rest of the morning passed in a blur. It was difficult to believe that I hadn't just imagined Edward appearing from nowhere. Maybe it was just a very convincing dream that I'd confused with reality. Maybe I'm letting Bella and the old legends confuse me.

So, as I walked into the cafeteria, my hair still wet from my shower I couldn't help but glance at the Cullen table. But I was shocked to see Edward was not with them, in fact he was sitting on the other side of the cafeteria with...


I sat down at my table and listened to Lauren and Jess gossip about the two of them. Occasionally I glanced over at the two and saw Bella start to get aggravated.

Mike tensed up, like he was willing to rush over there and be Bella's knight in shining armor. I grabbed his arm and pulled him down. Right now, I didn't have anything to suggest that Edward was dangerous I needed more information than Edward being freakishly fast.

I watched the two while simultaneously making sure I ate. Edward ate nothing... he didn't even have food, like his siblings... They didn't eat anything either. Could this be because they wanted blood? Or restrictive diets? No why would they get food from the cafeteria if they couldn't eat it? Why waste it?

Angela nudged me when it was nearly time for class. I stood up and followed her shaking my head. Thankfully Angela didn't ask too many questions, she was content to allow me to stay in my mind.

I couldn't figure it out.

One, why was Edward all of a sudden intrigued with Bella, what did she have that made her so interesting that that elusive Edward Cullen broke all the normalcy he and his family carefully developed over the two years.

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