Total Misunderstanding (A)

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Alice and I were back to Forks before the end of the school day; it was nice to spend my day off doing something more than patrol. I knew my whole night would be consumed by it.

"thanks for spending time with me today. It was nice to relax and not have to worry" Alice replied.

"no problem and thank you for helping me get the ring" I replied patting my pocket.

She smiled widely "I enjoyed it, and you make my sister happy." She paused grabbing something from the back seat. "Oh, and here, your dress"

She handed me the hanger and I nodded a thanks before heading inside. I was a little worried about the dress, I could only hope Rose didn't choose something too flashy.

When I stepped inside, I was surprised to see Eve home so early. "hey Al"

"you're home early"

She nodded "yeah, not a lot of surgeries. I suppose everything in Seattle is scaring people from going outside. Plus, all the hikers recently. No one goes anywhere or does anything, so they don't need surgery."

I chuckled at her expression, only a surgeon would be upset that people weren't getting hurt.

"what about you, did you have fun?"

I nodded "yeah, I helped Alice pick out some decorations and got a dress..." I trailed off. I wanted to tell them but there was still fear on how they would respond.

"and the other thing?" my expression must have shown fear or dread because Eve then said "woah, Al, whatever it is you can tell me."

I sighed and nodded; I could trust Eve with anything. I reached into my pocket. "this is a secret" I placed the box on the counter.

"Al? is that what I think it is?" I only nodded "are you sure?"

"She's it, Eve. She's the only one and I know its soon but its time. Plus, we don't have to get married right away."

"married?" I heard from behind me. How hadn't I heard her walk inside. Eve and I looked like two children caught with a hand in a cookie jar.

"god, she's everywhere..." Eve whispered.

My mom walked towards us her eyes narrowed on the box sitting on the counter. I let out a breath, I wasn't ashamed of Rosalie, and I was going to send my life with her.

"yeah... I'm going to spend my life with Rose. She's it, there's never going to be anyone else. We've talked about and discussed what's to come. We both want this."

My mom looked at me with understanding in her eyes. I shouldn't have been surprised, she accepted that her daughter was a giant wolf. "let's see it"

Like Alice they both gushed over the item, but I didn't have time to say anything because I needed to get to patrol. It was easier for me to do it at night because the others had class. But now everyone is out of school, Sam doesn't think we need to worry about Bella anymore. It's been two weeks and we haven't gotten a sniff of a vampire since. I agreed with him to a point, if the vampire hadn't come back yet then he may never. But we kept up patrol in our area just in case something happened.

We did worry that what was happening in Seattle would come to Forks but we were keeping an eye on the situation.

Leah and I finished patrol before walking around the beach. She already graduated and was ready to do something else, anything really. But she didn't want to leave La Push because it would make her feel like she was abandoning her family.

Part of her was afraid she couldn't.

"I don't know what to do." she replied throwing a rock into the water.

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