Figuring things out (A)

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I watched as the pack began trying to gauge the scents of the Cullen's, Sam in lead, Jacob behind him, I was behind the pack, it was the second in commands job to ensure nothing comes from behind.

I watched everyone as they moved through the group. Leah was looking between the Cullen's, she didn't have the same effect as the others did towards the vampires, but she was still on edge.

Her genes demanded it far more than mine did.

I heard a small whine from in front of me. Seth was left in between Emmett and Carlisle, and he wasn't really comfortable with it. He wasn't exactly scared of them, but he was nervous, Emmett was huge. Plus, his mind told him he had to be weary, with everything the others spewed about vampires. It was like they were the boogie man.

I nudged Seth slightly 'just keep moving Seth, you'll be fine'

He nodded and started making his way through the group, I knew the Cullen's wouldn't do anything, but he needed that reassurance. I walked through the line with him, the scents hitting me far differently than the others.

But it was the first time that I actually got to really discern their scents. I, of course, knew Rosalie like the back of my hand and the others seemed to take more time trying to imprint her scent to their mind. None of them wanted to hurt her, even if she were a vampire.

It was our most sacred law; we can't hurt another's imprint or mate. They couldn't risk hurting her, the others – well accidents happen. I walked beside Seth, the youngest of the pack at 15. We passed by each of the Cullens, and the scents started coming together.

Rosalie first with the scent of wild berries, her hand reached down to run through my fur as I passed, I did my best to smile, but it wasn't really something wolf's could do. Then Lucia, Vanilla and Bay Rum, a tropical scent. Emmett smelled like pine trees and spearmint, typical manly smell you'd get in a soap bottle. Though it smelled fresher, like the plant was growing in front of me. Jasper smelled like leather and burbon, a masculine scent but older kind of like something a grandfather would smell like. Carlisle smelled clean... like I just brushed my teeth and washed laundry. Esme, well just think of a bakery and that's her, cinnamon rolls. Edward and Alice both had a citrusy scent, Alice was very citrusy with oranges and limes, Edwards was toned down with a hint of honey.

I let the pack see it all through my mind, committing the scent to the person. It allowed them a better reference and gave them a better chance to recognize our allies. I walked Seth through the last of the Cullen's, his muzzle pulling back after each sniff. 'one more' I told him never leaving his side.

Leah and Seth seemed to pick up on it better than the others, though the still smelled the sweet chemical scent in there. But with the Amarok DNA further back the Quileute genes were starting take over.

"Ew! Gross, Jake!" Bella complained from the side jumping back and smacking at Jacob. He dodged out of the way, and the coughing bark that came through his teeth was obviously laughter.

Sam watched on in anger and disappointment.

Once we were finished I stopped by Rosalie. Sam watched as all the wolves began descending into the woods. Seth trotted along. Jacob stayed by Bella until Edward approached.

He and Jacob glared at each other before Jacob stalked off, complaining the entire time. Sam watched him go making sure everyone was moving, following Jared – the third in command.

I gave Sam a nod 'I'll figure out what they plan to do with Bella. I know I need to convince my mom and Eve to stay with Emily. And I'll see if Alice knows anything else then I'll inform you'

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