New Faces (A)

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After the fight the three of us phased back, Carlisle tried to check my injuries, but I rushed him to Rosalie, she needed him more than I did, and so did the babies.

Esme looked over all of us and made sure we had clean clothes, food etc. Edward checked to make sure my bones healed right, thankfully they did, and we wouldn't need to rebreak them.

"the venom must be working" he murmured, I turned to look at him. but he responded already assuming what I would ask "when we die, the venom will put the bones back together in the perfect alignment."

"that's what it's doing to me?"

"seems so" I nodded and waited for all clear. If there was one thing that could pierce a vampire skin it was the wolf teeth, claws, and vampire teeth. Meaning every injury Jacob gave me was present.

I healed fast though, like Edward said, the venom helped the bones return to normal and then my body healed like normal or faster than normal. I didn't care about that, we could examine it all at a later point, all that mattered now was Rose.

Carlisle and Alice came out with Renesmee, the moment Seth saw her he lit up, but not in a weird way. It was almost like he had a new sister and was excited to show everyone. I could see it in his mind, he was like me in that regard, an imprint and a mate. Right now, Renesmee was his imprint, he was her protector and best friend.

Leah looked at her brother with understanding.

Carlisle looked at me "she's okay. They both are. Congratulations Alex" he patted me on the shoulder before walking away to check on the others.

I entered the room to see Rose propped up, her eyes were glued to the little bundle wrapped in blue. She was still just as beautiful as ever, maybe even more so as the smile on her face was one of pure love. Her eyes flickered to mine the moment I stepped inside.

Closing the door, I walked over to the bed.

"hey" she whispered.

"I'm sorry I missed it" I said looking at the little boy in her arms. Even asleep I could tell he was going to look more like me than her. His skin was lighter than mine, but not pale. On his head was small brown waves.

"it's okay... Alice told me what happened. You kept us safe and helped save Bella"

My hand gently brushed the baby's hair. "you should sleep" Rose said gently.

I nodded and moved to sit next to her, my head leaning against her leg. I could feel Rose gently touch the faint scars on my neck, courtesy of Jacob. "he has your eyes, you know" she murmured running her hand through my hair, and moving to lay next to me, Demetrius laying in between us.

I saw her brows furrow as she ran her fingers over my collarbone... "I did this... I'm sorry"


"I bit you"

I shook my head slightly "it's okay, I bit you, so we're even" I saw Rose try to protest but she decided against it.

I woke up a little while later, unsure what time it was but I remember being alone in the room. I stood up from the bed stretching my limbs then descended the stairs to the living room where I could hear the others around the tv.

I saw Rosalie right away, sitting next to Leah, both of them were looking at Demetrius with awe. Seth was sitting next Esme and Renesmee, playing with her. I was shocked to see that both the babies looked older and were bigger than newborns.

Rosalie looked up the moment I stepped into the room, it was like a sense, a bond, something that told us the other was nearby. Seth also looked up "Hey, Alex. You're awake. We were getting worried"

I furrowed my brows "worried?"

"you've been asleep for almost two days" Leah added. I looked at the others seeking confirmation.

"only Carlisle's insistence was enough for us to leave you be" Rosalie added. "I thought it was because of..." she trailed off, but I know she was afraid that I would be affected by her venom. "I thought about waking you, but we thought you deserved to sleep. Leah and Seth only woke up a few hours before you"

"wow. I guess everything's okay now?"

Leah nodded "no sign of the others, I called my mom and she confirmed it with Billy and Sam. No one's coming, she said Sam was sorry, he wants to talk things over when you're better."

I could feel some of the others look at me, wanting to know what I thought. I could see Rose's eyes tighten at that thought as well as Edwards.

"he really thought it was a danger" I told them "Sam wouldn't risk it otherwise."

"no" Seth agreed "All we knew about vampires was what out legends say, and with the newborns a few months ago. He was afraid they would be like that. But he had the whole pack and tribe to look after"

"we hold no grudges or ill will towards him, we would like to maintain a treaty" Carlisle added. I nodded with him.

"I'll talk to Sam, we have to make sure everything is safe and Jacob is controlled... he's his own alpha now, I guess the question is would Sam help stop Jacob"

"Jacob's been forced under the council" Leah added looking up at me "he can't do anything without Sam's agreement, otherwise he's banished. Sam's actually been in the doghouse, so to speak because he was going to hurt Rose" Leah and Seth must have seen the question in my eyes, but it was Edward who spoke up. Having read it in there mind.

"Billy and the council believe did not agree to his methods. They believed that waiting to see what the child would become, at least Billy did. Sam didn't agree."

My eyes widened "I'm surprised Billy doesn't hate me"

The others shrugged and I finally had the time to fix my gaze on Rosalie. I moved to sit on the other side of her looking down at my son.

God... that was weird to think.

"he's just like you" Rosalie replied turning him to look at me. He was the same, but he looked older, nothing like a newborn that he should as he was born two days ago. But his eyes were just like mine, green and the undeniable golden circle around his pupil. He smiled at me, all gums but it was adorable all the same.

"hey... you." I smiled at him; the feeling of fierce protection filled me. "I'm glad you're okay. Both of you" I looked at Rose.

She may be alive and sitting next to me, she was happy and glowing, but the dark circles and pupils were still present.

"you still need to feed"

"I'm okay" I gave her a look that said I don't believe her.

"you do, you haven't fully fed in weeks and you're not the only one" I looked to Lucia and Jasper who were also showing blacken eyes.

"she's right Rose, we need to"

"just a few hours, I think I can handle this. I'd tell Edward to go as well but I don't think he'll leave Bella"

As if on cue Edward nodded. Rosalie sighed with a smile looking at me. "okay" I took Demetrius from her and held him against my chest, and he relaxed immediately. It was only a few seconds before Rose, Lucia, Jasper and Emmett left. 

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