Beta (A)

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The boys left to inform Sam and the rest of the pack. I stayed behind, following Rosalie back to her room. I closed the door and approached her slowly.

I sat next to her on the bed, she leaned her body into mine.

"I don't like this" she whispered, it was then I realized that it was so quite in her room, nothing from outside could get in. I guess Rosalie understood my confusion. "soundproof. We can't hear anything from the outside and they can't hear anything from inside, as long as the door's closed."

I could think of a million thinks that would be good for, but another time. Right now, I was just glad that my ears weren't being assaulted by the sound. And Rose was still here.

I wrapped my hand around her waist "I don't like this either, but I'm not going to let you go out there alone, not when I can protect you"

"we protect each other"

I nodded a smile on my face as I kissed her forehead. "you know, I have something for you"

Rosalie sat up looking at me a twinkle in her eye. I pulled the velvet box out of my pocket, then got down on one knee. "I know we talked about this before but, Rosalie will you marry me?" I asked opening the box to reveal the ring. Her face broke out into a large smile, if she were human, I was positive she would be crying.


I smiled up at her before putting the ring on her finger and kissing her hand. Rosalie pulled me up to kiss her, before pulling me further onto the bed, our lips danced together. I deepened the kiss when her tongue brushed my lower lip. I couldn't help the moan when our tongues brushed against each other.

She pulled away slightly. "I have something for you as well"

She slid out from under me to grab a box from her bedside table and handing it to me. "It's not as elegant but, I knew you wouldn't want something too flashy." She opened the box to reveal the ring.

"it's beautiful" I replied as I let her put the ring on my finger. Having Alice help me was a positive because we did have semi matching rings. I grabbed her hand intertwining our fingers allowing our rings to clink off each other.

The two of us laid back on the bed. Rosalie convinced me to sleep for a few hours before training. I didn't want to, but better minds prevailed, and I passed out with the feeling of Rosalie running her fingers through my hair.

It's strange how sleeping makes time pass in an instant.

One moment I was falling asleep and the next I was being woken up by a gentle shake.

"Alex, it's time to wake up"

I opened my eyes to peer at Rosalie, she had changed into a more casual outfit. Hiking clothes perhaps, and for a second, I felt a sliver of fear knowing that she was preparing for the same fight I was, that we were preparing to fight and army and protect our families.

I nodded "okay... I need to get the pack"

I stood up ran a hand through my hair to deal with any unruly strands then looked at my finger. I took the ring off and put it on my necklace near my totem. "now I don't have to worry about losing it and it will always be with me. No matter what form I take."

I turned to give Rosalie a kiss "I'll see you there"

She nodded and followed me out of the house, watching as I went to phase. She approached me and placed a kiss on the top of my muzzle before stepping back, allowing me to run to La Push. Once I got there I changed back and entered the pack house. Sam was one of the only ones there. I told him about everything, including Jacob's unacceptable behavior.

Sam nodded taking everything in "okay, you're in charge of communications between the Cullen's and us. It's easier for you anyway, they trust you more."

"what about Jacob?" I asked.

"Jacob needs to understand that his actions have consequences. Last night was unacceptable, he'll be banned from any interaction with the Cullen's other than training in which I am present. He'll help ensure Seth is ready to protect our home"

I nodded and waited for the pack to show up. Emily offered me some muffins and I indulged in one while waiting.

"hey Al, you kinda stink" Paul joked scrunching up his nose slightly.

I smiled a little bit. "Well, my mom had a guest, and I was not going to go back home and see something I shouldn't, plus the party was not too long ago."

Leah laughed boisterously for the first time since she phased, then she wrapped her arms around my shoulder. "it's not that bad. Very sweet, Wildberries" her eyes glanced at my totem, seeing the ring. She smiled knowing that this was not the one I bought.

The rest of the pack appeared, and Sam gathered us all out into the woods by his house, where we waited in wolf form.

'alright, we're going to watch, we know what's coming and we need to prepare. I want you all to pay attention and control yourselves. Seth, you are to watch but you will not be joining the fight.'

Seth looked upset and like he was going to protest but Leah stopped him. 'And Jacob, there are some things we need to address. First your patrol, you are no longer allowed to patrol Forks' he went to complain but Sam glared at him and continued 'your job first and foremost is La Push and you have been slacking, relying on others to pick up your slack. You aren't focused nor are you doing your job. Second your actions last night were unacceptable, you threatened not only Bella but Alice and could have caused a massive issue in a house surrounded by humans. From now on, Alex is the connection to the Cullen's. You are not to go to Forks to visit Bella nor are you to be in the presence of the Cullen's without supervision'

Sam looked at the others, mainly Quil and Embry 'and no one is allowed to go with you without permission. You will not have contact with Bella unless she initiates it, from now on'

'that's not fair!' he growled angrily.

'you can't control yourself; the decision is final.'

Jacob snarled but didn't do anything else.

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