Hurt 3rd POV

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The Uley residence was overrun.

Shortly after the incident the pack transported Alex to her home, setting her on her bed. Leah took the initiative to cloth Alex, while Sam called Val.

The mother was distraught and rushed back home with the rest of the pack. Charlie arrived with them, and was trying his best to figure everything out. Eve, Mark, Billy, Sue, and Emily all knew what was going on, some more than others but they all knew it was something to do with the wolves, and it was serious if the pack was so panicked.

They had made up some excuse to tell Charlie, motorcycle accident. The excuse was Jacob, Embry, Quil and Alex were hanging out like they used to, riding one of the bikes that he and Bella built when Alex had an accident.

But the moment Charlie was out of sight, scolding the boys did Val descend upon Sam. He was responsible for the pack, he was responsible for her daughter. The same one who was lying upstairs in her bed covered in blood and bruises.

"what happened?" Val asked in a hushed voice.

Sam swallowed harshly "it was almost over..." he didn't know how to answer, he didn't know what to say to Val. She didn't know about the cold ones, and he wasn't sure if it was okay to reveal it.

Billy came to his rescue. "Val, it's best not to ask. She'll be okay. We're going to get help"

Val turned to her friend, who knew more "how, I can't do anything and that's my little girl up there"

Tears flowed down her face as she fought against her maternal instinct.

"I know this is hard, but it is safer for you not to know the exact truth. To let Alex tell you..."

"it happened so fast" Leah whispered repeatedly, blaming herself.

"it was almost over... Alex acted on instinct just as any of us would do. It was too fast for us to really interfere." Sam replied trying to explain it without too much information. "Leah and the other blonde-"

"Rosalie" Leah added.

"Rosalie, Leah and Rosalie were in danger and Alex saved them" Sue, looked over her daughter hands quickly examining her

"it crushed her bones." Seth spoke up remembering hearing the pack's frantic voices and Alex's bones cracking.

Val and Eve's eyes continued watering, the two of them didn't know the exact word but they knew it was the same thing that hurt Val. They felt defeat wash over them as they realized they couldn't help their child.

The pack was likewise tearing up. Some even had tears flowing down their faces. They felt for their sister, but the consensus around the pack was awe. With all the pain Alex was in they thought it impossible to move, let alone kill the newborn.

Sam looked around the pack, he couldn't help but think about how great of an alpha Alex would be. It made him wonder how he would live up to it, how he was chosen as the alpha when there was one viable option right in front of them.

Charlie approached the group looking at Val "shouldn't she go to the hospital?"

"No need Charlie." Carlisle voice rang through the crowded house. He entered with Edward (to keep up the idea that they were camping) his doctors bag in his hand. "I'll take care of everything"

Rosalie, Alice and Bella showed up shortly after, having received a phone call from Edward. Charlie looked at Bella almost as if he were afraid she might have snuck out to ride bikes with the others.

"Val why don't we get some fresh air" Billy suggested suddenly. The two took that as a warning, nodding slightly before the couples left the house, they knew it would be bad.

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