Sick (A)

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It had been weeks since the Cullen's left, since Sam found Bella alone in the woods in the middle of the night, weeks since I went out into the rain to search for her.

In that time Bella has been in, essentially a vegetative state. She doesn't talk to anyone, or even acknowledge anything. She sits in her room all day and night, looking out at the woods, as if she thinks Edward is going to walk out. What's even worse was her night terrors, she wakes up in the middle of the night screaming.

My mom tried to stay with Charlie a few times in hoping that she could help him with her. Nothing anyone has done helped, she just ignores them. I tried... I really did, I would sit with her at lunch, I would visit her at home, but I can only do so much, and its worse now because I've been getting sick a lot recently. A lot more than normal, sometimes it was just a cold and other times it was worse.

The first was the night after finding Bella, it was just a common cold. But after that I would be healthy for a few days and then get sick again, have a fever or cough or vomiting, pneumonia, hypothermia. It was worse now because it's now paired with achy muscles and bones.

I knew my mom was worried, I wasn't eating as much and loosing weight. And no amount of medicine seemed to be working. Which led my mom to staying with me and not seeing Charlie. At all basically.

It was November now and I have been consistently sick for last week. My mom says it's the flu, and has pretty much called in to school for the rest of the semester. I only know this because she showed up the other day with all my work.

Of course, being stuck at home all day means I had nothing else to do but my homework. And with all the times Mr. Berty focused on Romeo and Juliet I didn't have much work to do. A few papers, that I already did. Art was fun, but like everything else I was able to finish my project easily... it was the only thing I really could do.

The nights were the worst, wracked with night terrors of my own, cold sweats, violent shivers you name it. It was only a matter of time before my mom takes me to the hospital.

So like every other night, and most nights recently I propped a fan up hoping to stave off the heat that my body was producing and get some sleep. Some nights it felt like I was being burned alive, and it wasn't pleasant.

My eyes closed and soon a new picture filled my mind. Like the last few dreams.

I was in the valley, most of the times I was an eagle, flying high with an aerial view of the land. I had narrowed down the Valley, but I couldn't figure out why it was important to me. Every dream showed me the same thing with different people. All mauled with their heads ripped off. The Valley of the Headless men, it was the only place where the stories fit. Gold prospectors, nearly a dozen of them all were found mauled and headless.

But this time was different, I was in the woods looking out on a cabin. I looked up into the sky to see the full moon glowing brightly. Movement from beside me caught my attention, I turned and saw the wolf. My eyes remained trained on him I couldn't understand what the point of this was. What was he trying to show me.

'Look' I heard the masculine voice in my head, it was familiar. A sound I've dreamed of hearing again for years. I got over my shock when the wolf nodded towards the cabin. I watched in horror as a beast slinks out of the forest. It was covered in fur, almost like a wolf but its ears were too long, its muzzle too short and its teeth were too big. It also didn't walk on all fours but walked like a gorilla with front legs much longer than its hind legs. The beast was skinny with blood caking its fur. I stared into the piercing yellow eyes before the beast turned on the humans.

I moved to take a step, but the wolf stopped me 'This is all the past, nothing you do will change the outcome'

"I can't just watch this"

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