Big Days (A)

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I woke up late the next morning, half afraid I was late. It didn't help that my mom was with Charlie and Eve with Mark. But all that was thrown out the window when I smelt the most intoxicating scent. Vanilla and Wildberries- mixed with some other smell, pancakes maybe.

I hopped out of my bed and padded down the stairs to the kitchen to see Rosalie making breakfast. "I thought you had a lot to prepare for?"

She turned towards me a smile on her face "I convinced Alice to let me handle you, today. She gets to focus on Bella"

"that's a positive, who knows what Alice had planned"

Rosalie chuckled as I at my breakfast "it's a good thing though, because you only have time for a shower and for me to do your hair before we need to leave"

"do we have time for you to shower with me?" I asked with a smirk, Rose rolled her eyes playfully and allowed me to pull her into the shower.

When we excited the shower, I sat off to the side watching as Rose did her hair and makeup, her hair was put up in an elegant updo, with strands framing her face.

I wasn't overly worried about my hair, it never looked bad, and I never had any issue with it. Rosalie seemed perfectly happy allowing it to remain down in its slightly tousled waves. Even tousling it more to get the desired effect.

When it came to the dresses, Rosalie had a grey dress that flowed down to the ground. A simple slit in the leg preventing it from being constricting, and a purple belt. She turned towards me, and I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face. 

"you're beautiful" She smiled shyly handing me my dress. Unlike Rosalie's, mine was not as showy. It was black with lace sleeves that came down to the middle of my forearm. The chest was slightly exposed with lapel like sides.

"Alice wanted everyone to match for pictures. But because you'll be behind me you had to match the guys" she chuckled "plus I thought it was more you. Not too girly"

"it's perfect" I replied.

I liked my tattoos, they were a part of me, there was a moment when I wanted nothing to do with them but after I learned everything I accepted them as me. But while I loved the tattoos, I didn't want to show them off to a group of humans and to be completely honest I was afraid the vampires would see me scars. Two of them were inevitable, the one close to my neck and the one on my hand.

At least the werewolf scars were hidden.

I kissed Rose's hand "let's get the show on the road"

She smiled and followed me to the garage where I was surprised to see another car parked. Rosalie saw my confusion and handed me the keys.

"a gift. From my family"

"what? Why?"

Rosalie shrugged "for being there for Bella. For being one of her closest friends. For joining our family. Making me the happiest I've ever been. The car can't compare to the gratefulness they have but Edward and Alice seem to think you'd like something that goes fast. And you can't drive your motorcycle year-round"

I smiled, turning to her "thank you" she handed me the keys

"and it's kinda a replacement. Since we ruined your other one making the car crash seem more realistic"

I nodded... I did miss my carand this one wasn't the same, but it was just as nice. The red matte paintstood out brightly when surrounded by silver. "ok, my car guru. What kind ofcar is this?" 

"an Aston martin vantage. Edwards idea"

"remind me to thank him" I replied opening the door for her, then moving to the driver's side.

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