Jacob Intervenes (A)

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It was a little while later that I woke up officially, sunlight starting to creep in, it would be nearly seven now and the little man would be awake. I was left in the bed alone, still naked. When I got downstairs I was greeted to breakfast from Rosalie.

The newly wedded couple appeared just in time for Renesmee's breakfast, who's been obsessed with Bella return.

"How long has she been up?" Bella asked as Edward disappeared through the kitchen doorway.

"Just a few minutes," Rose said. "We would have called you sooner. She's been asking for you – demanding might be a better description. Esme sacrificed her second-best silver service to keep the little monster entertained." Rose looked at Renesmee with adoration though her mind was soon occupied by a fussy baby in Alice's arms. I laughed, watching the boy.

Rose turned a smile on her face as she grabbed Demetri, he settled in her arms seemingly glaring at Renesmee. "he doesn't like her much, huh?" Bella asked.

I chuckled "he does, he just doesn't like when Rose pays attention to her. He gets jealous." The others laughed with me, looking at the boy who was happily holding both his bottle and Rosalie.

"but we didn't want to bother you" Rose finished biting her lip and looked away, trying not to laugh. Emmett was shaking with laughter, so much that Lucia smacked him on the arm.

"We'll get your room set up right away," Bella said to Renesmee. "You'll like the cottage. It's magic." She look up at Esme. "Thank you, Esme. So much. It's absolutely perfect."

Before Esme could respond, Emmett was laughing again - it wasn't silent this time.

"So, it's still standing?" he managed to get out between his snickers. "I would've thought you two had knocked it to rubble by now. What were you doing last night? Discussing the national debt?" He howled with laughter. Lucia laughed lightly trying to shut him up.

"oh, like you two were any better" Rosalie pointed out.

"you mean like you and Alex" Lucia added, and I spit out my drink, eyes wide. I could feel the blood rush to my face, trying to focus on my food.

"I still say we should go straight to New Hampshire and get things set up," Emmett said, continuing the previous conversations about us leaving. Everyone was graduated and Carlisle was at the point where he was still too young for his age. "Bella's already registered at Dartmouth. Doesn't look like it will take her all that long to be able to handle school." He turned to look at Bella with a teasing grin. "I'm sure you'll ace your classes... apparently there's nothing interesting for you to do at night besides study."

Rosalie giggled. But I couldn't, I was afraid they would talk about me again. I didn't know how they found out about it, they were gone.

"What is he doing?" Alice began "What is that dog doing that has erased my schedule for the entire day? I can't see anything! No!" She shot me a tortured glance.


And then Edward's hands balled up into fists and he snarled, "Jacob talked to Charlie. He showed him."

I looked at Edward "showed him what?"

Edwards eyes met mine "the wolves. He told Charlie that Bella's lying, that you're lying and Val"

I stood up quickly looking between Alice and Edward "Is she okay?"

"Charlie's on his way..."

"He told Charlie?" Bella gasped. "But - doesn't he understand? How could he do that?"

I looked at the others then ran out of the house phasing immediately with Leah and Seth right behind me. 'what does that jackass think he's doing?'

'if Charlie knows...' Seth trailed off.

We ran right through the border catching the scent of Sam and the pack but it was the scent of Jacob that made me lose it. the moment my eyes caught him I launched.

Snarling, teeth mashing.

It took Sam several minutes to pull me off. 'what the hell Alex?'

'he told Charlie... he revealed the secret, our secret and sent him to the Cullen's...'I looked at Jacob 'don't you realize what you've done'

Jacob didn't answer but I could see it in his mind, Sam matched my growl and Jacob took off running.

Jacob planned to get Charlie killed, he hoped Bella couldn't control herself and it would give him enough reason to kill them all. Including the monster that forced Bella to become one of them – he wanted to kill Renesmee. All of this filtered through my mind and Seth was the first to return.

I let out a small growl 'we're going to fix this; Jacob needs to know that if Bella doesn't kill him that telling Charlie about Vampires will result in the Volturi intervening. And they will kill him'

Sam nodded, concern filling his being 'I'll handle it, you go. Keep them safe'

Leah and I took off moving as fast as our legs pushed us, Seth was there first and was moving into a protective stance with Renesmee.

When Leah and I arrived, the others turned towards me. "what happened?"

I focused on Edward and showed him everything. He hissed. Rose moved to my side like usual, her eyes looking at Edward for an explanation. "he told Charlie that he didn't live in a world he thought he did. He said the Bella, Alex, Val, and Eve have been lying to him for years. He hoped Bella would be like the other newborns, that she would attack Charlie and the wolves could intervene"

I ground my teeth. Rosalie rubbed circles in my back trying to calm me down, but it wasn't working. Jacob threatened my family. "Alex tore into him pretty bad before Sam stopped her."

Bella looked around "but why would he risk that?"

"I don't think we ever considered his desire to kill us" Edward spoke looking between all of us.

"you don't realize how much Jacob wants to kill Edward, as far as he's concerned you're a monster and its Edwards fault. He wasn't lying when he said better dead than one of them"

"he's convinced that if I never came back you'd be his... Jacob's changed, allowing his hatred for me control him." Edward responded.

Alice raced back through the door then, her hands full and her expression promising violence.

She looked at Bella "Give Seth Renesmee, you'll need your arms free."

Seth gently took Renesmee and went to sit by Esme. Rosalie guided me to sit next to them as well. Leah was on the ground next to Seth, Demetri sitting on her lap. I heard the tires turn off the highway onto the quiet drive.

Edward stiffened for a moment "Val's trying to convince him that nothing is going on. She's with him" I looked around the room. "Charlie practically dragged her along"

"what do we say?" I asked... my mom didn't know. "She only knows about the wolves"

The sound of Charlie's cruiser got closer and closer. I could hear two heart beats, my mom was trying to convince Charlie to go back home, that showing up unannounced was not nice or a part of the code of ethics.

The car pulled in front of the house and idled for a few seconds. I wondered if Charlie was as nervous as we were, if he were considering going back home, listening to my mom.

Then the engine cut off, and a door slammed. Three steps across the grass, and then eight echoing thuds against the wooden stairs. Four more echoing footsteps across the porch. Then silence. Charlie took two deep breaths.

Knock, knock, knock.

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