Traditions and Talks (A)

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A week.

That's how long was stayed in Canada. Leah killed a Caribou and made her parka, got her spirit animal which was a lynx, a symbol of a guardian, the keeper of secrets. The stone was a lighter color than mine. It was strange being on the other side, watching someone go through the traditions.

Korinna and Hector also taught us some techniques to control our emotions and thoughts from the pack. By the final night Korinna offered to give her the tribe tattoos, Leah.

Leah took a minute to think about it but ultimately decided to do so. With that Leah and I became equal in not only female shifters but in tattoos. Hector even taught her to fight as well, this way even though she is skinnier than the others she has an equal standing.

"one more thing" Korinna replied looking at me.

"what?" I looked between Korinna and Hector trying to figure out what they were talking about.

They gestured for me to remove my shirt and lay down.After a little while I was allowed tosit up, on the right side of my chest was a handprint with a wolf paw in thepalm.

"leadership, to symbolize you as a leader"

I shook my head "I'm not a leader"

"you will understand it all soon enough" Korinna replied with a small smile. "Now, sleep you two have a journey ahead of you."

Leah and I retreated back to our tent. "I can't believe we sre going home tomorrow"

"yeah" I mumbled still looking down at my new tattoo.

"you're still questioning the leader aspect arent you?"

"yeah, im not the leader or the alpha. Im barely the Beta anymore"

"you're a better leader than you think. Korinna is right you'll realize it sooner or later... that's not all is it?"

I sighed "no. it's Rosalie, I just... I know she's a vampire and I shouldn't want anything to do with her"

"but you do"

"yeah, Leah I've had a crush on her for years. I should be mad or angry but I cant... I can't be angry at her."

Leah was silent for a moment "love makes you do crazy things. I hate Sam for what he did but I know why and no matter how much I want to be mad and hurt him like he hurt me, I cant. Because I still love him... Sometimes I just want to imprint or find my mate just so I could forget."

Silence filled the tipi as we both thought about it. "Alex, you should do what makes you happy. You forgive easily, it's just who you are. And if she did what Alice says then I understand. Sam did the same. He ran when he phased to keep everyone safe, if she truly believed it would be safer for you then"

"I should forgive her?"

I could hear Leah shift, she was sitting up looking at me "I think if you don't try you'll be as miserable as Korinna. And I would rather you be happy. And it really isnt like you to hold grudges" 

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