Additions (A)

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The music began and the six of us started the walk down to the aisle. Sam and I were up front, I wore flats because I was the same height – maybe a little taller than the others. Sam had a harder time because he was 6'1 compared to our 5'10-5'11 pack members. Behind me was Paul and Embry, Jared and Jacob were behind Sam.

I kept my eyes planted straight ahead, too afraid to look into Sue's or Leah's or Seth's eyes. I could feel the tribe look upon us in honor and sadness. The march to the grave felt like a hundred miles and the casket seemed to weigh a million pounds. None of which would affect me normally, this had to be the effect of the emotional toll it took on us. The bullet hole throbbed painfully, a reminder that I failed. A permanent scar, a permanent reminder.

The graveyard was filled with friends and family, most of the reservation showed up and were standing around the freshly dug hole. They were all in various forms of clothes, some wore suits, other jeans but everyone was in black. The pack, each had slacks and a black shirt.

Harry's death was a firm reminder to the pack and to the council how dangerous the world was. How important it was for the wolves to exist. We slowed as we got to the grave and like six carbon copies, we lowered the casket off our shoulders and rotated to set it in the pulley. It had to be disorientating to see the six of us move so in sync.

Once the casket was on the pulley each of us touched the lid and bowed our heads before walking to the back, the same as we came. Sam and I in front, then Paul and Jared and finally Embry and Jacob.

As with all funerals someone gave a grand speech. Billy was the one designated for that, he recited a prayer in Quileute before allowing Charlie to talk about his old hunting buddy.

"-Harry was one of my best friends. He was a good man." Charlie trailed off unable to say anything more.

The numbers dwindled, slowly at first.

Jacob was the first member of the pack to leave, none of us said anything but we knew he would check on Bella. Sam after Jacob, he wanted to give Leah some peace afraid his appearance would cause her more distress. One by one the pack left, until it was just me left.

Harry was deep in the ground and the only ones left were the Clearwater's and me. I offered to stay to make sure they got home safely. I looked Sue in the eyes trying to relay everything, how sorry I was, how hard I tried. However, my sight caught Leah, she was trembling. Clearly my presence didn't make her happy.

In fact, it enraged her.

I saw the signs the trembling, the fast breathing, everything that signified her anger. My eyes locked with hers and I felt a pull. I could see the rope tie itself to Leah, a knot formed tying the two of us together. I looked at Seth, he was too close to Leah. She

would never forgive herself for hurting them. I couldn't let her.

Seth and Sue both were to close.

In a startling quick movement, I pulled Sue and Seth back just in time for large grey wolf to appear. She was tall and lanky, weaker looking than the other wolves. The shock was evident on everyone's face but none more so than Seth, who started shaking too.

I pushed him and Sue apart standing between them. If I were to get hurt, I'd heal but Sue wouldn't. Just like Leah, Seth exploded into a giant wolf, he was not grey but a sandy red color, he was a little smaller but just as lanky, with big oversized paws. I wondered briefly if my paws looked like that seeing as Seth and I were not that far apart in age.

"Seth, Leah... I need you guys to calm down." I turned to Sue "we need some clothes... I have some in my car that'll probably fit Leah. Maybe a jacket or something of one of the guy's"

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