I want to try something (A)*

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A/N: Smut.... i have not written any before but read some so i hope its up to parr.

Everything was ready.

Billy borrowed Old Quil's boat and invited Charle down for some open sea fishing before he would host a party for the game tonight. Mark would be going fishing with them; my mom and Eve would then join them for the games.

The Cullen's were off hunting, each of them needing strength for the fight. The pack was likewise preparing for the fight, but in a different way.

Catching up on sleep, meals, family and just some peace.

I was spending it on the reservation with the rest of the unimprinted, minus Jacob who was sleeping. It was a somber affair, we tried to make the best of our beach day but everyone knew what was coming.

Embry, Leah, Seth, and I were all staring out at the waves, not saying anything. Even Seth's over excitement to be involved was gone.

"This is depressing" Leah commented, breaking the silence we were encompassed with. The rest of us nodded but didn't know what to say.

"we'll be okay" I told them "we've prepared for this and it's what we were born to do. Seth will keep Bella safe, and we'll be done before you know it"

"yeah, come on guys there is nothing to worry about. We can take them; I mean we are smarter than them" Seth added a little excitement filling the air.

I breathed out "Seth's right." I stood up abruptly looking at the others "come on"

Seth stood up quickly, he wasn't sure what I wanted but he would be willing. "where are we going?"

"we are going to have some fun"

"which is?" Leah asked.

"cliff diving"

Embry shook his head but got up with us. Soon the three of us were looking at Leah. She sighed before relenting. The four of us made it to the cliffs and took turns jumping into the water below.

It was dinner time by the time each of us crawled out of the water and headed home. Tomorrow we would catch up on sleep and wait.

When I got home my mom and Eve were gone they each went to their respective partners home for the night. But I was okay with that as the moment I opened the door I was assaulted with the smell of wildberries.

I stepped into the kitchen to see Rosalie in the kitchen cooking. She flitted around the room easily, as if she lived here her whole life. "this is a nice surprise"

Rosalie smiled but kept stirring the sauce. "I figured we all hunted and were prepared for tomorrow; you should be too"

I nodded happy knowing I would be spending a majority of the day with Bella and Edward, at least until the battle happened. I walked over to Rose a smile on my face "well I appreciate it, thank you"

She smiled looking over at me "I like being able to do these domestic acts. It's comforting"

We sat at the table for dinner, Rose right next to me. It was weird at first eating in front of her, but Rose filled that with peaceful conversations. She explained how she used to hate seeing Lucia and Emmett or Alice and Jasper so happily in love, that it was so 'sappy'. But the truth was she hated it because it hurt to know she was alone, it was better now because while everyone was with their mate, their husband or wife she wasn't alone anymore.

She had someone to hold her and to hold onto.

The end of the night found the two of us in my room. Laying side by side on my bed. Her head resting on my chest listing to the fast pace of my heart as I beat strongly in my chest.

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