Gone (A)

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"All I'm saying is Jack could have fit on the door" Eve called out.

"and I'm saying he couldn't have; the door would sink" my mom replied. I chuckled as I continued working on my essay. I was working ahead but it just meant I could avoid dealing with Dumeo and his girlfriend any more than necessary.

"no... Al," Eve said as she looked walked into the kitchen to put away the bowl of popcorn. "settle something for us, Jack could fit on the door, right?"

"don't word it like that, the door was going to sink" my mom added looking at me.

I looked up an amused smile on my face "well the door was too buoyant so it couldn't hold two people, they would sink"

"Ha told you" my mom gloated while Eve looked between us.

"she's only saying that because you're her mom"

"doesn't matter I was right"

"but jack could have fit if the buoyancy was distributed. If Rose put the life jacket underneath them it would have floated... there were also other doors so if Jack really wanted, he could have survived"

"yes" Eve yelled.

"that's not her agreeing with you"

"no, but Jack could've if they were smarter"

Before my mom could open her mouth, the phone rang. "this isn't over"

I snickered as Eve danced in place. All happiness left the house when my mom reappeared the phone in her hand. "hey, Al?"

"yeah?" I looked up.

"Did you see Bella after school today?"

I furrowed my brows, shaking my head "No"

I looked at Eve before turning to my mom who put the phone down. "I'm going to go to Charlies"

"what's wrong?" Eve asked.

"they can't find Bella, Charlie's calling around, but he wants to start the search." A flurry of activity began, both my mom and Eve started getting their coats and agreeing to help. I stood up as well.

"She could just be with Edward" I replied stopping them in their tracks.

"Carlisle said they were leaving Wednesday" my mom replied.

"Edward was at school today, and yesterday" I answered, maybe I shouldn't have. It would make the family look suspicious, but the teachers would know Edward was in class. And if Bella ran off with them Charlie deserved to know. With that I joined them. On the way to Bella's house, they asked a few more questions trying to figure out everything they could.

"was Bella acting weird?" my mom asked.

"No... well yeah, she was distracted. And Edward was acting distant. I just thought she and Edward broke up, it makes sense if they were moving."

When we got to the Swan residence Charlie had mustered quite a few searchers, fellow officers, and members from the reservation. It was raining now but everyone was willing to endure it to find Bella. The moment I showed up with my mom, we were gathered to start searching. I didn't miss the looks that Billy and Harry gave me.

It was weird, like they were surprised. I tried to ignore the concern rolling off of them.

We were divided into groups, my mom stayed with Charlie at the house. She and Billy were in charge of keeping Charlie sane and organizing the search. Eve went with Mark, her boyfriend, and another officer at the police department. I joined Harry and wondered into the woods.

The sound of Bella's name rang through the tall trees, from all over. The cold rain hit my face and a shiver ran up my spine "I don't think she would have made it this far" I mumbled looking at the ground around. It was covered in thick foliage that would make anyone trip, especially in the dark. Harry nodded.

"yeah, we've ventured into more seasoned hikers territory. And we don't need to get lost or run into anything out here."

I winced thinking about what we could run into out here, but I guess Harry thought I was thinking about Toby as he muttered an apology before leading us back to the Swan residence. He didn't know that i was worried about the supernatural, that there was a monster that could be wondering through theses woods. A monster part of every child's nightmare.

Harry and I were some of the last ones to return from our search, making me believe we had gone the furthest out.

When we approached, Charlie and my mom looked up in hope, but Harry only shook his head.

"we followed back a few miles – until we reached rougher terrain. Nothing"

"I'm gonna try the Cullen's place again" Charlie replied grabbing his phone.

"the Cullens left town" Billy replied. Charlie looked around distraught.

"we're going to find her" my mom replied putting her hand on his shoulder. He covered her hand with his and gave a nod. I pulled my hood tighter to my face as I looked out into the woods. I couldn't imagine Bella going out there by herself, she hated it. Not to mention she was clumsy, there was no way she could hike further than the radius of the search parties.

With all the evidence it was the only option, none of the neighbors had seen her and all of Bella's stuff was left in her truck. Backpack, wallet, everything. Everything pointed to her being lost in the woods, unless of course she went with Edward.

But then why would he distance himself. Why would he risk this knowing that people would know he was probably the last one to see her. He wasn't stupid and after everything I saw he wouldn't put Bella in danger intentionally. But would it be smarter to make people think he was distancing himself, that they broke up?

I sniffled a few times, rubbing my cold nose just in time to hear Jacob call out. "Charlie"

Everyone looked in the direction Jacob was pointing, to see Sam. He was walking out of the woods with a passed-out Bella in his arms. Charlie bolted towards the two with my mom in tow.

"is she hurt?" my mom asked as she looked over Bella, though she was only doing a cursory scan.

"No, I don't think she's hurt," Sam told them. "She just keeps saying 'He's gone.' "

"Bella, honey, are you all, right?" Charlie asked.

"Charlie?" Bella's voice sounded strange and small. I glanced at Sam who nodded giving me a look before glancing at Jacob. The two of us shared a look from the corner of our eyes. Sam was acting weird, and we both noticed it. It was uncomfortable really.

Jacob and I both agreed. We didn't know what it meant but we really didn't want to know.

Charlie carried Bella inside. Many of the searchers began heading home, while a few went inside the Swan house. I stood off to the side watching slightly as my mom examined Bella, though she found nothing.

Bella wasn't hurt in any way physically. 

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