More (A)

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Rosalie's story ended on a sour note, so I decided to lighten up the mood. She told me about her past and I still had so much to tell her. We had all the time in the world, but I didn't want to wait.

"We're probably going to start a bit of a controversy. Vampire and Wolf. Mortal enemies" Rosalie murmured.

I looked into her eyes "my family isn't strangers to that."


"controversy. You... well Carlisle met my great grandfather. Ephraim. But I'm not considered for the Alpha"

Rosalie watched me with apt attention "why?"

"because my grandmother was an illegitimate child."

"that is quite the controversy" she murmured. I smiled a little and played with my fingers.

"It's only that way because he didn't imprint on my great- grandmother. She loved him; he was it for her but for him that wasn't the case. He broke it off when he imprinted on his wife and had his children. Jacobs grandfather."

"is he in contingency for Alpha?"

I sneered "yeah, he would make a terrible alpha. He doesn't think about what's best for everyone but himself. He also seems to have little care for the secrecy of our kind"

"that does sound like a mixture for a bad alpha"

"uh huh. It's a big deal on the reservation. So, I'm not a stranger to controversy and I'm not bothered by it anymore. I know who I am, I went on a month-long adventure to find out"

"what'd you do in that month?"

I smiled "I went to my tribes home, in Canada. My great grandmother lives there, she and Hector taught me about my heritage. The legends and traditions" I pulled my necklace off and allowed Rosalie to hold the totem "that's my totem. My spirit guide. I had to drink some herbal tea to find it."

"it's beautiful."

"that bead is the antler from the first Caribou I killed and skinned. And that claw is from a werewolf. A real one"

Rosalie's eyes flew up and met mine "like the full moon kind?"

I nodded "they left a few scars" I gently pulled my shirt aside "but I beat it, and now he can't hurt anyone else. But I also hunted other things."

"bears?" she smiled.

"yeah, the rug downstairs was one of them. I had to do it with my bare hands... and a knife, it was intimidating. But i still did it, and made the rug"

"the other pelts you made too huh?" she asked looking around my room.

"yep" I puffed out my chest, pride emanating from me. Rosalie laughed before replacing my totem over my head. I gently untied the smaller totem before handing it to Rosalie. "this one is reserved for our mates, for you"

She held the stone in her hand tightly but carefully enough not to break it. "it's beautiful."

We spent the rest of the day talking, about our families, desires, and hobbies. At some point I convinced Rosalie to come with me to the waterfall in the woods behind my home. I also really wanted her to see me in my wolf form, up close.

It was a part of me, and I wanted her to be okay with it.

I let out a breath as I stepped out from behind the tree, to see her waiting for me. The sound of water flowing through the stream, birds chirping and the wind blowing through the trees filled the air. But all I cared about was the woman standing in front of me.

Her eyes locked with mine as I took slow tentative steps towards her. I didn't want to startle her or cause her to run. She smiled as I got closer her eyes never leaving mine. I stepped close enough for her to reach out and touch me.

Her fingers ran through the fur on my head. "you're still beautiful." We moved over towards the water, I laid down leaving plenty of room for her to lean against me.

"I thought I wouldn't be able to do this, with how warm your body temperature is. But it's not that warm. It feels comfortable" I hummed to the best of my ability, laying my head down by her thigh. We spent the rest of the day in peaceful silence.

Her hand running through my fur, "this spot" she rubbed the spot above my right eye, the only spot that wasn't pure black. For some reason I had a patch of russet around my eye. "it makes you look like a puppy" I snorted, to anyone else I would be offended, I'm strong vicious wolf. But to her I was okay with being seen as a puppy, it meant she wasn't afraid of me.

Occasionally she would talk about her family, giving me the low down on everyone.

Eventually I phased back to sit next to her. "does that hurt?"

I shook my head "no, the first time did but it gets easier and then it just feels kinda like stretching. It sounds worse than it feels"

"I'm glad it doesn't hurt anymore." her fingers played with mine, a little thrum connecting us. No words were needed, just a touch. The sky turned dark, and I knew it was time to return back home. Rosalie left to hunt and this time I wasn't heartbroken. She left with a promise to return.

Sealed with a kiss.

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