Dinner Parties (A)

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"I don't know how much we should tell Renee about this," Charlie said, hesitating with one foot out the door. He had spent the day with us trying to get used to everything. But it was getting late and he had plans for dinner, or rather we had plans for dinner.

Bella nodded "I know, i don't want to freak her out. Better to protect her. This stuff isn't for the fainthearted"

His lips twisted up to the side ruefully. "I would have tried to protect you, too, if I'd known how. But I guess you've never fit into the fainthearted category, have you?" Charlie patted his stomach absently. "I'll think of something. We've got time to discuss this, right?"

"Right," she promised him.

He looked between Bella and I "you'll take care of each other right?"

I smile slightly and nodded. Bella replied "don't worry dad, we're going to be just fine"

"You gonna stand Billy and my mom up, Charlie? C'mon. Bella and Nessie'll be here tomorrow. Let's get some grub, eh?" Seth reminded. Demetri, Seth, Leah and I were going to be joining the others.

Rosalie was a little on edge about that, but I promised her it would be me and Leah and Seth, plus looking at my mom, nothing was going to happen to that little boy.

"we'll be careful, I promise" I kissed her on the cheek and took Demetri with me to the car. Leah and Seth would ride with me, while my mom and Charlie had some time alone.

We had only pulled out of the drive when Seth spoke. "I guess his plan backfired, huh?"

Leah laughed "of course it did, he never thought anything through"

Seth, Demetri, and I chuckled though I was positive he was only laughing because everyone else was. "it will be good for us to prove to him that it didn't work. But I think the little one back there will help solidify everything."

Demetri made some sort of babbling playing with the wolf plushy that we got him. He had three, just like Renesmee.

Since the three of us were a part of the family everyone wanted them to be used to us, just in case. The only way for us to survive with our family is to continue phasing permanently. Shouldn't be an issue because the part of us that is Quileute demands we phase when vampires are near. So, we wanted the two little ones to be used to all three wolves.

Right now, though Demetri had the plush that looked like Leah.

We pulled up to the Black's house after Charlie and my mom. I was holding Demetri as we walked up to the home. Seth ran inside to see his mom. Leah stayed with me; she was a little nervous that her mom would be upset.

"Come on Le, everything will be okay" I said as I followed after my mom. She kept her eyes on me a smile playing at her lips. There had to be some sort of emotional reaction to seeing her daughter with her own kid. There were a few people in for a shock because when we got to the house, when I realize that Eve was here too.

Jacob wasn't here yet, but I expected him to show up any minute now. Smug and full of himself. Maybe he would play up the part of a grieving friend.

We entered the house and Leah watched her mom for any reaction, but all Sue did was hug her daughter. Eve who had been talking with Billy looked up the moment we entered the home her eyes wide.

"um Al?..." she glanced at my mom, but she only smiled and nodded.

Demetri reached a handout to touch her face, as if to say it's okay.

"hey Eve, this is Demetri"

She smiled looking into his eyes "he's so big" she whispered.

"that's what I said" my mom replied.

"he's special" I said "you want to hold him? I promise he isn't as fragile as I was"

Eve nodded holding her hands out for him, I kissed his forehead and helped him into her grasp. Just like my mom he examined her, before looking at me "that's Eve"

"Well, this is a surprise" Billy's deep voice filled the air as he looked at me. "it's good to see you Al"

"you too Billy and Sue" I replied looking at the woman who was just told about Leah's imprint. Each of them looked at the boy in Eve's arms. "this is Demetri..."

I watched as Sue's eyes lit up in awe, Billy had a small smile on his face but didn't say anything more, thankfully. I knew they knew he was my son, that Sam told them, but we wouldn't discuss this in the presence of Charlie. Because less was better.

Dinner went well, without much of an issue until Jacob showed up.

The moment he walked through the door I could see his smug expression disappear when he saw Demetri, more specifically when he saw my mom and Charlie still a happy couple and the little boy asleep in Charlies arms.

"Jacob" Billy greeted the boy a stern look on his face. It was like a switch was flipped, you could feel the cold waves and glares from Leah, Seth, and me.

"Charlie... I thought you'd-"

"Enough Jacob" Billy demanded.

Charlie nodded "the less I know the better, everything's okay now"

Jacob tried to protest but Billy shut him down.

Soon it got late, and I took that as a sign to go home. Seth and Leah decided to visit with their mom for a little, though I was sure Seth would have a few choice words with Jacob the moment they were alone.

Charlie and my mom followed me out and watched as I put him in his car seat. I turned to them sighing "I'm really sorry I kept this secret from you Charlie, but it is for the best. If you found out they would have to leave, and it would put you guys in danger. I don't want that and neither does Bella"

"it's okay kid... I guess this explains some of the stranger moments the last two years."

"Everything that's happened has an explanation and if it was safe for you I would tell you. Just know that she's okay, we all are."

"and happy? That's all that matters kid"

I smiled looking back at Demetri "yeah, we're happy. Happier that we get to keep you guys in our lives. That you get to see the little ones"


I gave them both a hug before I began the journey home. Demetri woke up shortly after with a little fuss. "don't worry bubs, we're going home, and you can see mommy soon" 

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