Umm.... What? (A)

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The next few days flew by quickly. I spent several days with Rosalie alone in my bed.

The events come in blurs, the dresses on the floor, the gentle caresses and no bars held. I remember biting Rosalie's collarbone, I remember feeling her teeth on my skin, her moans and whimpers, the snapping of wood and ripping of sheets. But none of that mattered the next few days when we did it all again. When Rosalie needed to hunt I decided to go to La Push, where I would spend some time with my other family.

Rosalie planned to be gone for a few days, she would go further out with everyone with the exception of Carlisle and Esme. They were going further out, and would be gone for a few days. That was okay though because I had a few days to spend with Leah and the others.

Today we were hanging out on the beach, everyone from the pack and their imprints.

Quil with Lia, Sam and Emily, Jared and Kim, Paul, and Rachel. Leah and I decided to join, Jared, Paul, and Sam in a game of soccer. Sam acted as keeper because of odd numbers and instead of getting it past him if you got the ball to him it was a goal.

Currently Leah and I were up by one. At least until Paul pushed me over and Jared stole the ball. I stood up laughing, while dusting the sand off my legs "that's cheating"

"all's fair in soccer" he chuckled.

All of us were drawn out of the serene atmosphere when Jacob spoke. "at least I'll get one thing out of it"

We all knew where this was heading. Jacob had a sick smirk on his face, Seth, who was sitting next to him looked on in disbelief.

Jacob wasn't any better, in fact he was happy for them to turn Bella – not so she could be happy but because he was under the impression he could kill them.

"No, you won't" Sam interrupted, Jacob's face turned stoic. "The Cullen's are not a danger. To the town or the tribe"

Leah and I approached. Jacob's expression was turning dark. "well, he's either going to kill her or change her. the treaty says- "

"I say Jacob. I say" Sam said sternly looking at the boy, before walking away. Leah stayed by my side.

"You know if you wanted things to be different you should've become alpha" Embry added.

"well turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time"

My eyes narrowed but before I could say anything Seth spoke up "Jake, do you really think you could kill Bella if she came back as one of them?"

"No, he'll make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us" Leah interrupted sitting down. She was right, Jacob wouldn't do it.

"shut up Leah" Jacob grumbled.

"it doesn't matter. You didn't imprint on her, and she chose Edward. Move on Jacob" I replied glaring at the boy "and if you think for one second I'm going to let you start a war for someone who doesn't want you then you are mistaken"

"it's the treaty. Besides you're not even a real Quileute."

"yeah, but I can still kick your ass. I won't hesitate to hurt you if you threaten Rosalie."

Leah turned to look at me a nod "I'm with Alex. Bella made her choice and she's happy." Her eyes glanced at the others with their imprints.

"At least they seem happy." Seth added his enthusiasm contagious. They did seem happy, it sucked that their genes told them they had to be whatever their imprint wanted or if they left they would die. I get the whole soulmate thing; I do and if Rosalie died I would be heartbroken. I would like to think I would still survive; I could live without her if I had too. I didn't want to, but I could for my family.

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