Boy Trouble (A)

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"so, this is what you like to do in your spare time, playing with cars?" I ask looking at Rosalie as she fawns over my car.

"is that a problem?" she asked raising one brow and a smirk on her face.

"no. Actually I'm glad at least one of us know about this. I can change a tire... sorta" I mumbled a bit ashamed, I never really needed to know how to change the oil or if there was something wrong with my car. My family was a great customer at the auto shop because we don't know what to do. Thankfully the guys down there weren't trying to rip us off. I suspect Charlie was something that helped that.

"you should know how to change a tire. What if something happens?"

"well, I guess I'll just call you then" I answered cheekily.

She hummed "it would be a shame to let a car as nice as this get hurt"

I laughed light heartedly sitting on the hood right next to her, allowing Rosalie to lean against me "so, what else do you like to do? You have to have something that makes high school bearable, unless of course you buy lots of cars and fix them up... I guess that would take up a lot of time"

"you're rambling. But I do, do that. Occasionally I play music and I started experimenting with art" she looked up at me "though it isn't nearly as good as yours"

I smiled a little, I always liked when people complimented my art. I didn't get to do a lot of it lately but when I did it was still fun. "well, if you want, we can do some artsy stuff together. I still have a hoard of driftwood that still needs used" I chuckled.

"I'd like that... you never did tell me what your tattoos mean."

I looked at my exposed arm then back at Rose, "the one on my right arm is the Quileute Tribe mark. Raven, Wolf and Whale. The Raven was the creator, and the wolf is who we were transformed from and then the whale because we were whalers. The others are the Amarok marks. Do you not like them?" I asked shyly.

Rose examined the marks more closely "they are beautiful, a little strange. In my time no one had these, but I will admit the intricate details are beautiful. You still haven't told me what they mean" she smiled brightly, drawing me in. I returned the smile.

"the one on my back represents the tribes creation story." I then went into detail telling her the story.

"that's interesting" her fingers danced on the top of my shoulders. "we don't know how vampires came to be, we just appeared, used to drive me insane." She mumbled.

"well, it's a good story. Supernatural origins for the supernatural."

She hummed then gestured to my arm "what about these ones?"

"this one on the inside of my arm in my family crest. It's the wolf. It's placed here because your inner arm is really sensitive, and there is a major artery here."

"what if it gets in your blood stream, that could have killed you" she whispered.

I shook my head "it was to try and make me sick, but my bloodstream would have eventually pushed it out. All of the tattoos were supposed to make me sick, if I survived it then I was strong"

"that's dangerous"

I squeezed her hand "i'm okay" I then lifted my shirt a little to show her the bear claw tattoo on my side. "this one was for killing a bear, the tribe believed that killing it would bring vitality, knowledge and strength. It's supposed to protect the heart."

Her fingers grazed the red ink before focusing on the ones on my chest. "what about this one? The wolf?"

I smiled "my spirit animal. It's the only one not red and black. The green is our connection to mother earth. It's above the heart to symbolize our inner being. The spirit of the wolf helped me while in Nahanni. When I was finding the mushrooms, my totem stone. Even in my dreams. I think it was my dad" I finished in a whisper.

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