Treaty (A)

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Bella returned, with the Cullen's in tow.

And like the start of fall, Bella fell into a rhythm with them. It was like no one else existed.

Bella was grounded, naturally, so she couldn't leave the house and Jacob was forbidden from going up there. Well, he was forbidden from going alone because there is no guarantee he'll adhere by the treaty, he already broke the Alpha's orders.

Another reason he wasn't give the Beta position.

While Bella was grounded, I started a semi-relationship. Or friends with benefits relationship with one of the girls on the reservation. She was friends with Jared's imprint, Kim, but she was more than willing to experiment.

I knew it wouldn't last long, she was into someone else (Quill) and truthfully I couldn't do that to him. Right now I just hoped her spending time with me would get Quil to make a move.

Like I said, semi-friends with benefits. Right now, we were more like friends. My interaction with the Cullens was still limited to practically zero.

As the deal remained, I would not hurt any of them nor would I hunt any vampires on their land – except Victoria I didn't care what they said I would hunt her down and kill her the moment I could.

And I would protect my family.

There was of course another issue to deal with. We needed to assure Bella was still human – she had been spending all her time with Edward it was important to remind them they couldn't bite a human. Though, I was starting to think we should let the Cullen's change her. It would be her choice, obviously, but also safer.

If Bella was a vampire we wouldn't have to worry about her safety with Victoria. And if she was planning to be surrounded by the Cullens she might as well. If only to avoid another incident like before.

It also wouldn't be worth a war if they did change her.

I drove up to the Swan residence with Jacob, because he demanded to go. I was the babysitter essentially. I rolled my eyes when Jacob grabbed one of the motorcycles he built for Bella, but didn't say anything. He wanted to get Bella in trouble and that wasn't any of my business.

Besides ensuring she's grounded; also means she can't be changed yet, and she can't do anything reckless again. It also keeps her in one location, so if Victoria comes back, we know where she'll be. Funny how Jacob was so against her being bait and he's know assuring that she was.

After dropping the bike off and Jacob doing some tattling, we waited for the two in the woods behind the house. Where it would be safe incase Jacob and Edward got into it.

I heard Bella yelling before she reached us, "Let me go! I'm going to murder him! Traitor!"

I snorted, I would love to see her slap some sense into the boy, maybe then he would stop believing she was in love with him and move on.

Edward quieted her down, explaining that we were here for him. She was surprised to hear that but quickly covered it. And continued walking towards us.

The couple didn't have to go far, Jacob and I were still near the trail. As they got closer, I stood up from the ground, it was necessary as Jacob was trembling, his anger raging.

Edward shifted to hide Bella behind him, or that's how Jacob would see it. But I could tell this was a sign of protection, Jacob was unstable and angry.

This is why he can't be alone.

"Bella" Jacob nodded without taking his eyes off of Edward. Edward was keeping an eye on Jacob, but I could see his eyes flicker to me a few times. It was expected, I had changed a lot.

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