Surprise Gifts (A)

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The wedding flowed into the reception party smoothly - proof of Alice's flawless planning. It was just twilight over the river; the ceremony had lasted exactly the right amount of time, allowing the sun to set behind the trees.

There were another ten thousand flowers out here, serving as a fragrant, airy tent over the dance floor set up on the grass under two of the ancient cedars.

Things slowed down, relaxed as the mellow August evening surrounded us. The little crowd spread out under the soft shine of the twinkle lights, and we were greeted again by the friends we'd just embraced.

There was time to talk now, to laugh.

I managed to catch Bella at an opportune moment, I had good news for them. I found them near Seth who was excitable as always.

"It's good to see things work out for you, man," Seth said. "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you, Seth. That means a lot to me." Edward pulled away from Seth and looked at Sue and Billy. "Thank you, as well. For letting Seth come. For supporting Bella today."

"You're welcome," Billy said in his deep, gravelly voice. i stood off to the side watching the interaction.

"he thinks you're the coolest person" I told Edward a chuckle in my voice at Seth's protest. I looked Edward in the eye, it wasn't hard as we were the same height when I was in heels. "everything's set. An exception if you will."

I opened my mind, something I was getting better at doing. I think it was because I was developing a stronger bond with Edward like I did with the wolves. I showed him the discussion the acceptance of him or the Cullen's turning Bella, only her. Edward smiled.

"thank you"

"it's the least I could do... it's her choice and if this is what she wants I wont allow them to stand in the way... besides Sam agrees, it wouldn't be worth it not with how far we've come." I gave Edward a nod, smiling at Bella.

"We can still go to Mexico another time; you know if you ever get mad at Ed here" the three of us laughed before I left to allow the others to see the bride and groom.

The rest of the night went by as expected, of course I avoided the Denali Coven. I thought it was best seeing as Irina was there and I was the one to kill Laurent. Rose didn't pressure me to meet them, agreeing that things could be hashed out at a later date. For which I was thankful for.

Though I avoided the family I didn't miss the look Irina threw at Seth. I tried to block her sight on multiple occasions just so the boy could relax. He wasn't responsible for it; he wasn't even a part of the pack then.

After Bella met them speeches were given. One by Charlie, Emmett, Jess, Alice. I avoided speaking just because I didn't want to give too much away or embarrass her like Emmett did.

Unintentionally of course.

Then people broke out into other groups, dancing across the floor. Alice and Jasper were doing some sort of dance you would see in an old movie with swingers.

Something that I wouldn't dare try. Emmett and Lucia were swaying softly as were Carlisle and Esme. I glanced around the floor and saw my mom and Charlie.

They both had soft smiles, and looked at each other like they were the only ones here. Eve was the same way with Mark and Renee and Phil... I glanced at Bella for a moment knowing she was looking at them too and together there was an agreement of sorts.

The two of us would live forever, and our family our parents would be happy. It made everything so much easier, to know that when we leave our families won't be alone.

With that in mind I looked back at Rose who was watching me. We were off to the side, my right hand on her waist and our left hands intertwined, the rings clinking slightly. "what's going on in that head of yours" she whispered, still swaying to the music.

"just when we leave, my mom will be okay and so will Eve. And we'll be okay"

We continued swaying to the music, everything fading away except the two of us. I couldn't help but think that one day, one day we'll do this again, only Rosalie would be in white.

I turned when I smelled someone else show up. A small smile showed though it may have appeared more like a grimace. Rosalie caught this "what's wrong?"

"Jacob's here" 

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