Wild Parties (A)

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The party was a clear success, despite the instinctive edginess cause by the Cullens' presence - or maybe that simply added a thrill to the atmosphere. The music was infectious, the lights almost hypnotic. From the way the food disappeared, that must have been good, too.

The room was soon crowded, though never claustrophobic. The entire senior class seemed to be there, along with most of the juniors. Bodies swayed to the beat that rumbled under the soles of their feet, the party constantly on the edge of breaking into a dance.

It was a little too loud for my sensitive hearing, but it appeared that everyone was having a good time. I met up with Alice the moment I walked through the door.

She told me to mingle and have fun before floating across the floor.

I found Bella, wondering about, Edward at her side. "having fun?" I asked the Swan girl.

"loads" she replied sarcastically, I winced slightly when the singer hit a high note. "you, okay?" she asked.

I rubbed my ear "yeah, sensitive ears" I looked at Edward "I don't know how you guys do it"

He smiled slightly "practice"

I'd circled the room once, and was back to Jessica, with Bella and Edward. She babbled excitedly, and it was not necessary to pay strict attention, because the odds were she wouldn't need a response from me anytime soon. She was able to let the excitement of the evening to overwhelm any feelings of betrayal she had when I disappeared.

I glanced around the room my eyes landing on a certain blonde. I silently excused myself, for once thankful that I was basically invisible. She was leaning against a doorway off to the side.

"I didn't figure you for the partying kind of girl" she said once I got close.

"Alice... I kind of owed her" a smile gracing my lips at the thought of what was in my pocket.

"well, I'm glad you're here" before she could say anything else her nose scrunched up. "the mutt's here"

I furrowed my brows before turning to look at the door where not one, but three members of the pack were standing. Not good, this meant Sam didn't think Jacob could handle being alone. I felt sorry for Quil and Embry who flanked him. The two of them looked terribly tense, their eyes flickering around the room like they'd just walked into a haunted crypt. Embry's trembling hand still held the door, his body half-turned to run for it.

He was too loyal to abandon Jacob, those two were like peas in a pod, though Jacob doesn't seem to find issue in throwing out his heritage against me. For some reason Jacob believes that Embry is my brother, but if I was being honest if he was Sam's, Jacob is the next logical option.

He and Embry look alike, their wolf's may be different colors, but the build and structure is the same, nothing like me. Even Leah looked more like me and there was at least a few generations between our genetics. If Embry were my brother, he would look just like me, plus Korinna would know.

If my dad was worried about me, he would have been worried about Embry too. Not only that he didn't get sick like me, and that's kinda a genetic trait. My dad did, my grandmother did, and my great grandmother did.

"I would have figured a punch to the face would resend any invitation"

I looked back at Rosalie "they don't stink that bad, do they?"

She raised one of her perfect brows "like wet dog... at least you don't stink" she joked.

"I thought you couldn't smell me?" I paused for a minute to think about what I said "that sounded so my worse than I intended"

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