Misguided (A)

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Nearly a week has passed, and I had heard some interesting news, Edward did not listen at all. He still believed the reservation was dangerous and Bella shouldn't go there. Instead, he doubled his efforts to avoid leaving her alone.

Of course, that led me to ranting with Bella, it was ridiculous she had the choice, if she wanted to go to La Push then Edward shouldn't stop her.

Either way last night Alice practically kidnapped Bella and had a sleep over. Rosalie told her why she disliked her so much and tried to convince Bella to remain human, but I don't think it worked out the way she hoped. Rosalie didn't stay long enough to see as she spent the night with me.

At first it was weird to know she wouldn't be able to sleep while I did, but she assured me she didn't mind, she could always pretend if it made me feel better. It did a little bit, but just having her laying next to me was comforting.

I didn't mention that I thought Bella would be better as a vampire, I didn't want to. It wasn't mine or Rose's choice. I could see both sides, if Bella changes she'll never grow old, or have kids, but laying right here next to Rose I saw Bella's side.

I didn't want to grow old, because the lifetime of a human was not enough time with Rose. It would never be enough, forever wasn't enough.

When I woke up in the morning, Rose and I left the house together. After my mom left, of course, I didn't need her to think we were doing anything other than sleeping. It was probably for the best that she didn't know Rosalie stayed during most nights.

"you know, I think it's kinda sexy that you have a motorcycle"

I could feel the blush reach my cheeks; I had never thought she would say something like that. I nodded shyly earning a giggle from Rosalie. "I might have to start driving it all the time then"

I spoke with much more confidence than I was currently feeling but it paid off as Rosalie gave me a passionate kiss before leaving me standing next to my bike with a dopey smile.

After patrol I spent the day with Leah, she was catching me up on the recent drama. I missed Jacobs most recent monologue.

"he just keeps getting worse. I'm telling you he thinks about her so much that I'm starting to fall in love with her. I dreamed I was kissing her last night. How crazy is that?"

"oh, trust me, I had an explicit dream about it one night. That's when I knew he's gone too far. I mean she's practically my sister, that's just wrong"

"yeah and with Quil. His imprint, I know it's not new, but they finally got together so now Jacob won't shut up about it. About how imprinting is gross and just your genes telling you you're happy"

I shook my head, burying my feet in the sand "and when he's not envisioning him and Bella in bed he's imagining himself ripping Edward to shreds"

"he shouldn't even be considered for Alpha" Leah said as she sat down in the sand "if he becomes an alpha it will involve death. I mean he would charge the Cullen's today if he was, just for his own feelings."

I looked up, pursing my lips "I don't think Sam will let him. I mean I think Sam would fight for it now, for the safety of our people and his imprint."


We continued talking for a few hours before Leah left to go on patrol. I started preparing to go home just as it started raining, for some reason I decided to stop at the Blacks. It was only when I started walking down the path to the red house that I figured out why.

I heard Jacob and Bella talking, it was veering into uncharted territory.

"Years? No, Jake, not years." Bella said, and laughed once without humor. "Weeks is more accurate."

There was a loud pop, and I got the hint to step in. just before I got to the garage, I heard one last comment.

Jacob's words cracked like snaps of a whip. "Anything. Anything else. You'd be better off dead. I'd rather you were."

"Maybe you'll get lucky," Bella said bleakly, lurching to her feet. "Maybe I'll get hit by a truck on my way back."

Bella walked out of the garage just in time to see me standing there. I could see the sadness and pain on her face. I couldn't contain the glare I threw at Jacob. Why couldn't he just let it go, Bella was obviously trying to end their friendship on good terms.

"Come on Bella, I'll take you home"

She nodded meekly as I led her to my bike. "can you take me to the Cullen's instead... I'm supposed to be staying with Alice"

I nodded "yeah, here take this" I handed her the helmet, her eyes widened before putting the helmet on, clearly something Jacob never offered. I got on the motorcycle with Bella right behind me. "just make sure to hold on"

We got absolutely soaked as I sped across the slick highway toward the Cullens' house. At one moment I could feel Bella hold on tighter, an effort to stave off the freezing rain.

I drove right up to the garage of the Cullen's house. Alice was sitting on the hood of a yellow Porsche. Alice stroked the glossy yellow paint. She looked up slightly surprised to see me, but saddened all the same.

Bella got off and handed me the helmet and mumbled out a "thanks" but I could still tell she was upset, the sadness and pain had turned into anger.

"no problem..."

I looked up at the house before I left my eyes catching a certain blonde. With a small smile I headed home. That night was much like normal, I helped my mom make dinner while Eve was at Marks.

"you know I keep joking about you and Charlie getting married, but do you ever think Eve will get married?"

My mom pursed her lips while putting the leftovers in the fridge "I don't know. She loves him, but I don't know if she wants to get married. I think she's a little bit afraid"

I furrowed my brows, "afraid of what?"

"being tied down" my mom looked at me sympathy in her eyes "Eve is so free spirited, I think she thinks if she gets married it will put her in a cage, get rid of any freedom that she has"

I nodded "I get that."

The two of us stayed up for a little longer before ultimately going to sleep. That night I dreamed of the future; I didn't know what was going to happen but i would be okay if Rosalie was there.

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