Part Twenty-Seven 이십칠

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~ Alyssa ~

The next morning, I wake up to my alarm. I keep my eyes closed as I turn around and try to find warmth and comfort by Taehyung, only to find his side of the bed empty. I slowly open my eyes and indeed see his spot empty. We normally wake up at the same time, but not today I guess.

I get out of bed feeling confused and sleepy. As I walk into the kitchen, I see Taehyung making breakfast. He stands there wearing only his pants and slippers, softly dancing along to the music coming from the speaker. His long hair bounces as his head moves on the beat of the song. As he flips the eggs in the pan, he moves his hips like he is dancing a salsa.

I smile wide and feel very much awake when I look at my beautiful view. Taehyung puts some slices of bread in the toaster and hums along to the song, clearly not noticing my presence. I can't help but look at the muscles on his back as he makes some coffee.

"Well this is what I call a good morning," I giggle. Taehyung turns around to me with a wide smile. His eyes seem to sparkle as he looks at me and a soft chuckle rolls off his lips. My eyes take this beautiful moment to look at his beautiful body. Starting from his amazing, dark and long hair, hanging in front of his forehead, to his sparkling, dark eyes, his boxy smile, his adorable blushing cheeks, to his bare torso... His muscles are beautifully shown and I can't ignore his adorable belly. Damn...

To put some extra oil on the fire, Taehyung brings his hand through his hair all the way to his neck. As he looks up to me with his sexy eyes and dangerous smirk, I feel my legs turn into spaghetti. I quickly grab the wall to keep myself up, what makes Taehyung laugh.

"You're unfair," I try to laugh it off and walk over to him. I don't even hide to check him out before I look into his eyes, what makes him laugh even more. "You like what you see huh?" He asks. Even though he acts sexy, I see his cheeks blush a little. I smile wide and put my hands in his neck. "I like it very much," I tell him. I lean in and kiss his lips.

Taehyung puts his hands on my back, but quickly moves them to the hem of my shirt. I giggle as I feel how his hands pull my shirt up. "Babe..." I warn him with a giggle. Taehyung laughs as well, "If I'm half naked, you should be too." I let go of him and hit his shoulder playfully. "I'm not stripping," I tell him. Taehyung looks at me in pout. "Please?" He begs, making me laugh even more. "No," I tell him with a smile. I kiss his cheek and walk away from him before he begs even more. God knows what his pout can do...

Right as I am about to walk out of the kitchen, I hear the front door open. I turn around to Taehyung, who looks just as confused as me. Without thinking twice, Taehyung grabs a knife and holds it in front of him. "Stay behind me," He tells me and sneaks towards the hall. I follow him, but stay behind him like he said.

"Holy damn! I forgot how close your houses actually were!" Yana laughs as she stumbles through the front door. Taehyung and I let out a relieved breath. "Thank god it's you!" I laugh, but then I see how she struggles to get her shoes off.

She leans against the wall and looks up to Taehyung and me. She giggles as she looks at Taehyung. "What a nice welcome! A sexy shirtless man holding a knife!" She laughs. I laugh and walk towards her to help her get her shoes off. "Didn't I tell? This is the way we great people in this country," I joke. "Yes, especially people who just walk through the door early in the morning," Taehyung says. He puts the knife away and goes back into the kitchen.

"Not my fault you gave me the key," Yana laughs. When we finally get her shoes off, she tries to walk into the house, but falls nearly every step. I quickly wrap my arm around her to support her. "Did you just finish drinking with Yoongi?" I ask her. Yana laughs, "No, I fell asleep on his couch, but clearly there is some alcohol left in my body."

She stops walking, wraps her arm around me and moves her face to my ear. "Did you know Yoongi has the best alcohol? I swear his bourbon is amazing!" She says and starts to laugh like it is the most hilarious thing she has ever said. I laugh with her and try to walk her to her bedroom. "I bet he loved to have a drinking buddy!" I laugh.

Yana giggles, "Drinking with him is nearly impossible, Ali. He drinks alcohol like it is water. Literally! It is like he is immuun!" I laugh and open her bedroom door. "So I guess he wasn't drunk at all?" I ask her. "In the end he was a little drunk," she says proudly. "And when was that? Ten minutes ago?" I joke.

Yana bursts out laughing. She nearly drops to the floor, but I hold her up with all my strength. "No, like twelve minutes ago!" Yana laughs hysterically. She stops in her tracks and just lets herself fall on the floor while I try to do anything but that. I nearly drag her over the floor to the bed, but end up getting her on top of the bed.

She is still laughing as I lay her down and cover her with the blanket. "Go get some sleep," I tell her as I tug her in. She finally stops laughing and smiles at me. She puts her hand on my cheek and looks at my face like she hasn't seen it in ages. "You're a good mom," she tells me. I laugh and put a kiss on her forehead. "Good night, my girl," I joke.

Yana laughs and smiles wide. "I love you, mom," she says and starts to laugh again. I laugh as well and roll my eyes. "I'll never let you drink with Yoongi again, that's for sure," I say. Yana looks at me and stops laughing, but a wide smile is still visible on her face. "But I like drinking with Yoongi," she tells me, "He gets really personal when we talk." I smile at her and tilt my head a little. "You talked while getting drunk? Is that such a good idea?" I ask her.

Yana giggles, "We just talked about life and how shitty it can be!" I laugh and put my hand on her head. "It's not always shitty," I tell her. Yana puts her hand on mine on her head. "I know, because you're here," she says. I feel so happy and even a little emotional as her bright eyes look at me. How can her eyes be so bright while she is so drunk?

"I love you, Yana," I tell her, "And I am so thankful that you're here." I hold her hand and squeeze it a little. "I love you too..." She says. I see how her eyes slowly close. I guess her battery is dying out a little. As her eyes close completely, she relaxes completely. I let go of her and leave the room quietly, turning off the lights as I close the door behind me.

I realize how hurt she is. I know Jim cheating on her must have hurt her a lot, more than she lets on. She was so happy with him and she loved him dearly. They were just back from traveling the world together, her dream trip. I can't even imagine how hurt she must have felt when she found out he cheated on her... She must have felt so alone and so broken...

I am glad she is here now. Even though she looks fine, I know deep inside she is hurting. But I also know that we - her family - can help her heal. We can help her repair the damage Jim has done. It might take a while, but we'll help her get there. But either way, I am really glad to see a smile on her face. I know she is hiding her pain, but her smiles are sincere. Maybe even getting drunk with Yoongi helped her. Maybe she was now able to let go of all these thoughts and feelings and just get drunk. Maybe she really needed that. Either way, I am glad she had a good time.

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