Part Hundred and Three 백삼

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~ Alyssa ~

After an amazing and delicious dinner, we move the party into the living room. "Hm, this cocktail is really amazing!" I tell Kaylee after I take a sip of my new cocktail. "I know right? It is a virgin Sex On The Beach. It tastes amazing," Kaylee says. "A virgin sex on the beach? What is that? Cuddling in the sand?" I joke. We all laugh. "That should be the new name!" Yana laughs. "Okay, from now on, a Sex On The Beach without alcohol is called a Cuddling In The Sand!" Kaylee announces, making us all laugh even more. "Love it!" I laugh.

We all sit down on the couch. I turn on the tv and look at Kaylee and Yana. "What do we feel like watching?" I ask. "To be honest, I am not into watching a movie yet. Can't we just watch funny videos on YouTube instead?" Yana suggests. "What a lovely idea, I agree!" Kaylee says.

So we open YouTube. We scroll through all the suggested videos. All of a sudden, we see a video of funny moments of BTS. "This is from the last few years," Yana notices. "Put it on! Maybe we remember some of these moments," Kaylee says.

It turns out, we did remember a lot of these moments. In fact, we remembered every single one of them. Most videos are filmed by either Kaylee or me. Like Yana said, all the moments are from the past few years. This means Kaylee and I were very much present during these moments. So basically, this one video is just us bringing up so many memories. To not let Yana feel left out for a single second, we explain every single moment. Yana enjoys it very much and we all laugh when we talk about the crazy moments that happened.

"That was amazing!" Kaylee laughs when the video ends. Even though the video was only twelve minutes, we paused at every single moment to explain it and talk about it. So when the video ends, it is also already time for a new round of cocktails.

"Another Cuddling In The Sand?" Kaylee asks. "Yes please!" Yana and I laugh. We give our glasses to Kaylee who disappears into the kitchen for the refill. In the mean time, Yana and I look for a new video. "Maybe a video from BTS' debut time?" I suggest. Yana laughs, "Good idea!"

But as we look through YouTube, a different video catches our attention. It is a video from the YouTube show 'Lee Mujin Service', where singer Lee Mujin interviews a guest, who also sings a few songs during the interview. It's a show where a lot of famous Korean singers have been his guest. But this video his guest is the one and only Kim Taehyung.

"Did you know he would be a guest on that show?" Yana asks me. I stare at the screen. "I had no idea..." I tell her. But right at that moment I realize I don't keep track of his schedule anymore. When we were together, I knew his schedule and was involved in a lot of it. But since we broke up, I don't keep track on his schedule. So no, I didn't know he was a guest on this show. I don't even know when they filmed this...

"It has been uploaded an hour ago!" Yana notices. "What is uploaded an hour ago?" Kaylee asks who enters the room holding our cocktails. "A new episode of 'Lee Mujin Service'" Yana says. Kaylee places all the glasses on the table and takes a seat again. "Oh I love those episodes! Who is on it this time?" She asks, having no idea yet. "Taehyung..." I say.

Kaylee looks surprised and looks from the screen to me. "I assume by the look on your face that you didn't know about this?" Kaylee asks. "That's right..." I say. I keep staring at the screen. I feel weird that I didn't know about this. It overwhelms me.

"Do you want to watch it?" Yana suggests. "Yes, I do," I say. I am really curious what songs he would sing. It has been a while since I have heard him sing live. Especially solo. I haven't heard that in a while...

"If you're okay with it?" I ask Yana and Kaylee. They both nod. "Yes, of course! I am curious what songs he would sing," Yana says. "Me too," Kaylee says. Yana clicks on the video and we all stare at the screen. I might be a little tense, yet excited to see the video. But I know it is just a video of him answering questions and singing his heart out. So no, I can't deny the smile on my face.

I'm Vine Ft. Kim Taehyung (BTS) {COMPLETED ✔️}Where stories live. Discover now