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Six years later
December 17th of 2005

"Darling, hand me that ornament." Fred said and held out his hand towards me.

"Which one?" I asked, smiling cheekily as I looked into the box of ornaments. "The pretty wand or the boring glass ball?"

Laughing softly, Fred looked at me, the light from the ceiling making his eyes sparkle.

"Let's go with the wand, due to your obvious preference."

I bit down on my tongue, smiling widely as I handed him the final piece of ornament.

Sliding behind his back, I placed myself on his other side and looked up at the tree.

"We need the star." I said. "I didn't see one with the other ornaments."

Fred looked at me, brushing his hands together. "You shattered it last year, remember?"

"What? I didn't—" I paused and held up a finger, then nodded. "...yeah, alright. I did. I forgot."

I looked up at the tree again.

"But we do need a star." I said. "We have to buy one before Christmas."

"I'm sure there is one in Diagon Alley, waiting for us to buy it." He said and as I slipped my arm around his waist, he smiled down at me.

"I can't wait to host Christmas this year." I said and kissed him. "It's going to be great."

Humming, Fred looked at the tree again. "Just please don't ruin Christmas dinner."

"Why would I— tell me one time I ruined Christmas dinner."

Fred turned his body towards me, folding his arms over his chest while staring down at me.

He was smiling cheekily.

"Christmas, two-thousand and one. You helped mum in the kitchen and you messed up the turkey."

I gasped dramatically, placing a hand over my heart.

"I didn't mess up the turkey. How was I supposed to know that Charlie would stand right there when I turned around? I didn't mess it up... I dropped it."

I poked his chest with my finger and he grabbed onto my arm right below my elbow, pulling me close.

My laughed filled the room as butterflies filled my stomach. Fred slid his arm around my waist and held me close, my chest pressed to his.

He duck his head just a little, and caught my lips with his, and I felt myself melt against him, my hand clutching his jumper.

Chuckling against my lips, he slipped his hands down to my arse and I smiled, breaking the kiss while grabbing his hands and removing them.

"No." I told him. "George and Angie are going to be over any minute now with little Arthur and I don't want them to walk in on you grabbing all of my different body parts."

Fred laughed and brushed his fingers over his lips, taking a step back while looking me up and down.

"Don't you think it's time for us to have one?" He asked and watched me walk over to the box of ornaments.

"What? A child?"

"No, a cucumber." He said, voice full of sarcasm, and I grinned, looking back at him.

"You'd be surprised about the things you can use a cucumber for." I said, resulting in Fred cocking an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, do tell." He said and followed me to the kitchen where he leaned his arms crossed on the kitchen island.

I put the box on the floor before I walked over to the opposite side of the island, looking at Fred with a small smile.

"Got any experience stuffing cucumbers up your pussy?" He asked, and I made a face at the word he used.

"Don't say pussy." I whined. "You're not a sixteen-year-old teenage boy."

Fred laughed, tilting his head as he brought one hand out and hooked a finger into the belt strap of my jeans.

"So... about a child—"

"No, Freddie." I said with raised eyebrows, staring at his eyes to show him that I was serious. "We're only twenty-six. We've got time and right now I'd like to focus on my career."

Fred hummed before leaning up to press a kiss to my lips.

"Maybe a dog or a cat then, eh?" He asked, kissing me again and I brought my hand to the nape of his neck, playing with his hair.

"Sounds perfect." I smiled. "I'd rather a cat, though. I love cats."

Fred nodded.

"Okay. We'll look into it." He said, brushing his knuckles over my cheek before a knock sounded at the door.

"Ooh! That must be them!" I exclaimed. "I'll put the box away. Do you want to open the door?"

Fred didn't get to respond before I had grabbed the box and made my way down the hallway to the bedroom where I put away the box of ornaments in the bottom of our closet.

I could hear voices out by the front door and when I walked back out there, I gasped at the baby in George's arms.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed. "Is that him?"

"No." Fred answered for them. "This is another baby. You see... they forgot to bring Arthur so on their way over, they decided; hey, why don't we kidnap one so we don't show up empty-handed?"

I looked at Fred, clenching my jaw at his sarcasm and then I approached our guests.

"Do you want to hold him?" Angie asked through a chuckle and I nodded eagerly.

"Be careful." George told me as he carefully handed their newborn son over to me.

As I held the baby, I felt my heart melt and I gushed over him, staring down at him.

He was so beautiful. He looked like a perfect mix between George and Angie. He had Angie's lips and nose but George's eyes and George's chin.

"Still don't want one?" Fred grinned as he leaned back against the island.

"Not for many years." I said through a smile, staring down at my nephew.

"Everyone's having children." Fred groaned. "You two just had Arthur. Carter and Martha are expecting a baby in February. Bill and Fleur are expecting their second."

I chuckled and looked at him.

"But hey, you'll have a baby soon." I said. "The kitten, right?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you're getting a pet?" George asked. "That seems like a great idea. Maybe that'll keep Fred from talking about kidnapping our son."

Ever since they announced that Angie was pregnant, Fred had been talking about breaking into their flat above the shop to steal their baby and bring him back to our place.

"I was joking!" Fred announced. "Get your arses to the tree. I just finished decorating it and I'm honestly very proud."

George and Angie both chuckled as they slid past us to look at the Christmas tree, while I looked at Fred.

"Seriously? I helped decorate—"

"No, lovely." Fred shook his head. "You may have handed me the ornaments, but I put them on the tree."

He winked at me before joining George and Angie.

Rolling my eyes, I looked down at Arthur who was just a week old.

"You are so handsome, aren't you?" I whispered. "I can't wait for when you'll get older. I'll be the cool aunt, I can promise you that."

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