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I kept waking up throughout the night, and eventually the sun started to set.

Fred was walking back and forth in the room, rocking Jonas in his arms.

He looked so happy holding him. He looked to happy finally having that baby he so longed for.

I was no longer any use to him.

I wouldn't do him any good. I was too depressed

Fred noticed I was awake, and he offered me a soft smile.

"Your dad is cooking breakfast." He told me as he walked over to the bed and brushed a hand over my hair. "I wanted to let you sleep so I've fed Jonas and changed his diaper."

I stared at the bassinet, wondering now for the first time where that came from.

"Where did you get that?" I asked and gestured towards it.

"Oh, George and Angie bought it for us and put it together while you were in the hospital."


At that, Fred frowned slightly, but he got rid of the expression as fast as it had appeared. "I'm guessing they wanted to help us out."

"They shouldn't do that." I muttered.

"Why not?" Fred cocked his head, and then turned to put Jonas back in his bassinet.

Instead of answering his question, I turned over, turning my back on him.

"Do you even like the name Jonas?"

I heard Fred still.

"Why do you ask me that?"

"If you don't like it, you should pick something you do like."

The floor creaked as he walked around the bed. When he went to sit on his side of the bed, I tried to turn over again, but he placed a gentle hand against my shoulder.

"Why are you talking like that?" He asked softly, moving his hand to my face, and I hated the feeling when he brushed his knuckles over my cheek.

"Don't do that!" I snapped, shoving his hand away, because Theodore had done the exact same thing every time he apologised for something.

Fred stared at me, and I hated it, because I hated not knowing what he saw. I hated that I had a suspicion about what he saw.

"Kai. We're not changing his name." He said softly. "I like his name. Don't you?"

I nodded once, staring up at the ceiling as I laid on my back.

"Can you please go?" I asked in a whisper. "Take him with you. I just want to sleep."

Fred shook his head.

"We're not doing that again, Kai. I know you've been through way too much, but please don't push me away. We need to communicate, and right now, we're falling into old patterns."

I shut my eyes.

"But it won't work if I'm the only one communicating." He added. "It has to come from you too. Please don't give up."

I turned my head away from him, my eyebrows knitted together as I tried not to cry.

"Kai—" he placed a hand on my arm but I jerked away.

"Please just leave me alone."

Fred stood up, walking around the bed again. He leaned down and picked up Jonas, and then left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Instantly, I broke down, pressing both hands to my mouth.

Just fake it.

I laid there for a while until I finally pulled myself out of bed and slowly moved around the room, getting dressed.

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now