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"I'm telling her."

Carter looked up, his eyes meeting mine for a second and then he sat down in his chair.

"Did you hear nothing about what I said?" He asked. "If you tell Kai, she will leave you. Do you want that?"

"I don't care! She's living on a lie and the longer we keep it up, the more it'll hurt her."

"It won't hurt her because she won't ever know." Carter said. "Fred for fuck sake. We're doing what's best for her. We're—"

"Bullshit!" I snapped. "You know better than anyone that this isn't helping her. Her memory has been erased twice now. We have given her zero chance at processing what happened, at healing in her own way. We took that away from her so you can't possibly tell me that your conscience is clean right now."

Carter stood up again and walked around the desk, placing himself right in front of me.

"Do you want to go back to crying her eyes out in bed all day?" He asked. "You told me how broken she was. She physically couldn't move a fork up to her own mouth. It broke her once and it's gonna break her again if you just as much as say a word to her."

I shook my head.

"She doesn't hate him, and she needs to hate him. Otherwise she'll put herself in a situation that he can take advantage of. She'll start trusting him again because she has no idea what he did to her, and he's gonna do it all over again."

Carter grabbed onto the collar of my shirt, and as he did, I responded by punching him in the jaw, sending him tumbling back.

"I'm telling her to—"

I didn't get to finish my sentence before he had me pushed up against the wall, punching me three times in the face.

He held onto me, holding me against the wall as he lowered his voice.

"I swear to Merlin I will kill you Fred. I'm not about to lose my sister because you're too much of a pussy."

When I didn't answer, he stepped back and let go of me. I rubbed my jaw where he had punched me.

I tried soothing it, my eyes never leaving him.

"Go home, Fred." Carter said and walked back to his desk.

I scoffed and took a step towards the door but then I paused.

It felt like something heavy weighted over me and then I felt confused.

I looked around, my eyes landing on Carter who was already looking at me.

"Did I..."

"You said you wanted to ask me something." Carter said and pushed his wand into the drawer in his desk. "Are you okay? You look off."

I took a deep breath.

"I... I don't remember why I'm here." I muttered. "I don't remember getting here."

Carter shrugged.

"My door is open if you remember it later." He said, and then I left.

I went home to Kai who was curled up on the sofa, watching a film on the television with Aaron sleeping on her lap.

"How's Carter doing?" She asked and glanced at me as I stepped into the flat, shutting the door behind me.

"He's alright." I said, pushing off my shoes. "It looked like he was busy with work down at the ministry."

I walked towards the sofa, leaning down behind her to kiss her neck.

"What're you watching?"

"Girl, interrupted." She muttered, eyes on the screen.

"The one we went to the cinema to see together?" I whispered against her neck, kissing her skin again.

"I don't remember." She said quietly, shutting her eyes at the sensations of me kissing her neck. "We've seen a lot of films and I've seen this one a lot of times."

She turned her head until she caught my lips, kissing me while I smiled against her.

I ran a hand to the nape of her neck, deepening the kiss for a moment until I pulled back.

"I'm gonna make some popcorn and then I'll join you."


Fred had fallen asleep against me, his head on my lap next to Aaron who was kneading his hair.

My hand was resting against Fred's chest but my eyes were on the film as I watched it end.

I was exhausted and as my head fell back against the sofa, I dropped the remote onto the floor, causing Aaron to flee while Fred jumped.

"Jesus Christ that scared me." He breathed and relaxed against me again, looking up at me while running a hand over his face.

I yawned, pressing a hand to my mouth.

"Are you tired?" He asked softly, and I nodded.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed." I yawned again and Fred moved to allow me to get up.

I walked to the bedroom where I let myself drop on the sofa, the pillow feelings awfully soft against my face.

Fred joined me in the room shortly after and I smiled weakly against the pillow as I felt him tug at my trousers to get them off.

"Can you turn over, lovely?" He asked, and I groaned but I did. My eyes stayed shut and I yawned once again while Fred helped me out of my clothes. "I got you a present on my way home from Carter's office."

"Did you?" I asked quietly, and Fred hummed.

His fingers touched against my lower abdomen and I giggled. He helped me out of my shirt, then pulled me up to sit so he could take off my bra as well.

"Boobs out or a t-shirt?" He asked while I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his jaw.

"Boobs." I whispered, moving up the bed. I slid underneath the duvet and then looked at Fred through tired eyes while I got comfortable. "What did you get me?"

Fred leaned down and pressed his lips to my forehead.

"Your favourite sweets." He whispered. "I'll put them in the cupboard and they'll be there tomorrow. Go to sleep, love."

I smiled, reaching up to pull him back down so I could kiss him properly.

"If wasn't worried I'd pass out from lack of sleep within the next two minutes, I'd ask you to fuck me right now."

Fred hummed and kissed my forehead again.

"Tomorrow, pretty." He chuckled. "I'll take a quick shower, then I'm going to bed as well. Sleep well."

I turned onto my side, my back to him, and I shut my eyes.

"I love you, Freddie." I whispered through a yawn while he turned off the light in the room.

"I love you too, Kai."

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