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What was I doing?

I was confused, sitting on the floor, surrounded by my potions books from school, but I had no memory of me finding them and looking in them.

"What—" I looked around until my eyes landed on Fred.

He stood in the room, tears in his eyes and looked at me.

Next to him stood my brother, his wand in his left hand. He offered me a soft smile, almost a reassuring smile.

"Carter?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I Uh... Fred told me you've been ill." He said. "I wanted to check on you. What've you got there?"

Fred left the room quickly and I looked down at the books spread out around me.

"I... don't remember." I muttered. "Hey, are you coming to the get-together tonight?"

"No... uh—"

"Do you think two-thousand and six will be a good year?" I asked and started closing the books, gathering them. "Fred is hoping for a baby but I dunno if I'll be ready within the next year."

Carter walked over and crouched next to me, looking at me with such seriousness that it had me quite worried.

"What's wrong?"

He shook his head.

"It's January eleventh, Kai." He said softly, and my eyebrows fell together in a frown. "Fred said you've been ill for a few weeks. You black-out and can't remember things..."

He brushed some hair out of my face and then offered me a smile.

"What?" I asked. "It's... no—"

I shook my head.

"It's December thirty-first." I said. "Fred and I have just had dinner. He threw up. He's the one who's sick. He—"

"That was weeks ago, Kai. Though you're alright, yeah? Let's get you to bed. The healer was here this morning and she said it was just a little stress. She gave you a potion that should help so hopefully no more blackouts."


"What the fuck, mate?!" I exclaimed as Carter walked into the kitchen.

"She's asleep. It's going to be—"

"You obliviated her!" I hissed. "I had just told her the truth. She needed time but I'm sure we would've gotten through it. She deserves to know!"

Carter sighed and ran a hand over his mouth.

"I thought we agreed that when you obliviated her, that was it. We'd never tell her what had happened. What Theodore did to her, broke her. You should not have told her!"

"She's my wife, Carter!"

"And she's my sister!" He raised his voice but quickly lowered it again as Kai was sleeping in the next room. "We are doing her a favour. She's been through too much, Fred. Her favourite fucking brother dropped dead, then Theodore kidnapped her, raped her again and again and left her for dead... Theodore killed our father and—"

"Not knowing who killed Chas is killing her!" I said. "She needs to have closure but she keeps having her memory taken. It's eating me alive, Carter. I can't do this to her."

Carter took a deep breath, then pulled out his wand and pointed it at me.

"If you fucking tell her again, I will throw you off a bridge and the muggles will find you when you wash up on land a few days later." He said, taking a step towards me. "Do you want Kai to live through yet another loss?"

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now