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It was nice to have company at the flat. To sit around the table, Fred by my side and both George and Angie across from us while their baby slept.

This year, Fred and I had gone all out with the Christmas decorations and we had spent a good twenty minutes talking to them about it.

While Fred and George once looked completely identical, they still did, though there was a few differences.

Fred had grown his hair out and it was currently gathered in a bun on the back of his head.

George had grown his hair out too but it was still shorter and he always kept it loose and wavy around his face.

Fred also grew a beard. He liked to keep it short and neat so it was never more than a little stubble across his chin and his cheeks.

"Do you remember back in school?" Angie asked as she looked between the three of us. "We hated each other, Kai. For the first six years."

I laughed.

"Yeah..." I smiled. "I was so angry you got the spot on the team and I didn't."

"And I hated you for being more popular." She said and rolled her eyes. "Teenagers worry about the dumbest things sometimes."

"More popular?" I asked and sat up straight. "I wouldn't say that I was more popular than Angelina Johnson herself."

Angie laughed and shrugged.

"C'mon Kai. Everyone wanted to fuck you." She said. "Even George—"

George choked on his glass of fire whiskey, and my eyes widened. I stared at George while Fred straightened up in his seat.

"I never said I wanted to—"

"Yeah you did." Angie nodded. "You had a crush on her before her and Fred were a thing."

Then Angie looked at me again.

"It's the confidence." She told me. "You showed loads of it before Larch went and turned manipulative. Confidence makes someone ten times more attractive."

Fred was still staring at George and when I looked at the two, it seemed that they were having a conversation with their eyes.

Frowning, I shook my head and then looked at Angie who were amused by George's obvious embarrassment.

As our eyes met and I cocked an eyebrow, a green fire shot up in the fireplace and then Lee stepped out.

"Sorry I'm late!" He said as he pulled out a chair and took a seat by the end of the table. "What've I missed?"

"Apparently, George is sexually attracted to Kai." Fred said, staring straight at George.

"I'm not!" George argued before looking at me. "I'm not. I'm married and I am not my teenage self."

Laughing, I just shook my head and looked at Lee.

"How is things with the boyfriend?" I asked, causing him to groan while he poured food onto his plate.

"He's a fucking bitch. I have no idea how you ever kept your patience with that one."

"Hey, at least he got out of his manipulative phase." I said with a shrug. "If he shows up with a hickey on his neck and you know you didn't give it to him, then run and never look back."

Lee let out a fake laugh.

"Ha... ha..."

"Where is Felix?" George asked. "Isn't he supposed to be here?"

"Yes." Lee nodded, pointing a finger at George before turning it to point at Fred instead. "But he's terrified of you."

"Why?" Fred frowned as he lifted his glass and took a sip.

"Why?" I scoffed. "Maybe because you punched him in the face last Saturday."

"Well what was I supposed to do?" Fred argued. "He's so provocative."

"Freddie, he was saying goodbye!" Lee spoke. "We were about to leave and he told you goodbye."

"And I have told him to not speak to me!" Fred continued. "I have no respect for him. I don't care if Kai or the rest of you have forgotten the way he used to treat her, but I haven't."

"Fred, he was seventeen." I said. "He's nine years older. He's not the same person."

Fred scoffed.

"People like him don't change." He said. "Just look at his brother—"

Fred went quiet, pressing his lips together and so did everyone else. I looked around them, seeing them desperately wanting out of that topic.

"Theo being a death eater doesn't make Felix a horrible person." I said. "Felix hasn't even seen his brother for years, just like none of us have."

I leaned back in my chair, a glass of wine in my hand.

"I don't even remember the last time I saw him." I said. "Must'be been at the Burrow when he revealed himself to be the one who had been stalking me."

No one said anything.

"I wonder what happened to him."

"You wonder that?" Lee asked. "Why?"

I shrugged.

"I dunno. Sometimes I'd like to think he found a better path in life, you know?" I said. "He wasn't really a bad person, growing up. I dunno what happened."

Fred inhaled sharply before he stood up, disappearing down the hallway, and we all looked at him as he walked.

"What was that all about?" Angie asked and I shrugged.

"I have no idea." I muttered, and George cleared his throat, standing up.

"I'll check on him." He said and I watched as he disappeared down the hallway as well.

Lee shovelled some food into his mouth and I narrowed my eyes at him, but he simply shrugged.

"Anyway..." Angie breathed. " do not need to hurry with children. Giving birth was hell."

I smiled.

"Yeah? Did you give George torture?"

"Oh I most certainly did. He wanted to watch the head come out but I made sure he knew that I wasn't going to have my husband watch my vagina stretched out up close with a baby coming out of it."

Laughing, I folded my arms over my chest.

"Did you get the epidural?"

"Of course I did. I hate pain." She said. "But it didn't work and then it was too late for a second one, so I had to push through the pain... literally."

"Felix wants to adopt." Lee said. "Some day. I want children but I was thinking about a surrogate, maybe. Though adoption would be fine."

He held up his hands in defence before either Angie or I decided to say something.

"You know, Felix was the last person I'd expect to come out of the closet." Angie said.

"Yeah, me too." I sighed. "But hey. He's happy now, Lee's happy, so I'm happy."

Lee pouted at me.

"Aww, you love me babe." He pouted. "I love you too."

Rolling my eyes, I looked towards the hallways to see if Fred and George were finished speaking and then a door opened before they returned.

"Are you okay?" I asked Fred who simply nodded at me before the two guys took their seats at the table again.

"I'm fine."

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now