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At the end of the day, Carter and Martha took Myeong with them so he could stay with them between Christmas and New Years.

As always, I spend the last of December 25th by the fireplace, staring at the flame with a glass of firewhisky in my hand.

Fred was cleaning up after tonight but I couldn't focus on anything but the fact that yet another Christmas passed where I didn't have my dad.

Every year was hard. Every Christmas without him and his jokes that I used to find annoying but now would die to hear one more time.

"Do you think he's dead?" I asked and I could sense freeze at my question.

"Your dad?" He asked, sounding like it was such a crazy question, but I wasn't asking about my dad.

"The person that killed him." I said and turned slightly to look back at Fred. "Do you think he died that night?"

Fred stopped for a moment, thinking about something and then shrugged.

"I don't know, my love."

He reached across the table for some of the drawings that Myeong had made, then walked to the fridge and hung it up.

"He's been gone for years and we have no idea who was behind it." I muttered, running a hand into my hair before taking a sip of the firewhisky, feeling it burn as it ran down my throat.

"Lovely." Fred called softly, approaching me on the sofa.

He leaned over from behind, wrapped an arm around my shoulders, kissed my cheek and took the glass from my hand at the same time.

He downed the content of it before walking around the sofa to place the new empty glass on the sofa table.

"A lot of people died that night, Kai, including your father and possibly also the man who killed him."

I looked up.

"You assume it's a man?"

Fred sighed, chewing on his lip as he put his hands on his hips.

"I dunno."

Kai looked down at the empty glass, then looked towards the windows, and Fred took a seat next to her.

"I know today has been tough. Even tougher than yesterday but—" he sighed. "'ve gotten through it. It's been yet another year and I promise that eventually, the holidays will start to feel more and more normal. You'll always miss him and there will always be a certain void that only he could fill, but you'll be able to have a Christmas without feeling sad that he's gone, and instead feel happy about his memory."

I looked at him, the corners of my lips tugging upwards into a small smile.

"Fred the therapist." I said quietly, causing him to laugh.

"Don't mock me when I'm trying to help you." He smiled and leaned in to kiss my cheek before standing up. "It doesn't matter who killed your father, Kai. It'll only make you angrier."

He ran his fingers through his hair before making his way into our bedroom. I heard him talk to Aaron who was probably asleep on the bed.

Then I stood up, grabbed my glass and went to the kitchen to refill it with firewhisky.

"Kai!" Fred called when he heard the bottle open. "Pour yourself another glass and I will pour the entire bottle out into the sink!"

I looked towards the bedroom where he stood, staring at me while holding Aaron in his arms.

Our eyes met and then I slowly lifted the bottle to my lips, but the second I took a sip, the firewhisky turned into tequila and I choked as I felt the burning sensation in my throat.

Accidentally, I spit it everywhere and I heard Fred laugh.

The idiot knew I hated tequila. It was too strong for me and it burned my throat.

"Now stop drinking and come to bed." He told me, turning his back to me to walk back into the bedroom.

I looked at the bottle as I slowly placed it down on the counter, closing it again.

As I walked towards the bedroom, I stopped as my eyes landed on the picture on the wall next to our bedroom door.

It was my graduation picture. Me in the middle, dad's arm wrapped around me, smiling proudly at the camera, my mum equally as proud, but more formal in the way she stood.

It was a moving picture and I watched as my dad said something that made me laugh and my mum blush as she tried to bite back her own laugh.

Then it replayed, and I sighed, eyes focused on my dad.

I missed him, a lot.

"Hey..." Fred stood in the doorway again, now without holding Aaron.

He looked at me, saw the tears that filled my eyes and took a step closer to me.

He wrapped an arm around my waist, stood close to me and looked up at the picture as well.

"He would be so proud of you, lovely." He said quietly, pulling me closer to him and I rested my arm over his shoulder, leaning into him.

"I honestly don't think I can live the rest of my life and not know who killed him." I said, and Fred gulped, sighing.

"Don't. If you spend your life searching for answers you might never get, you'll drive yourself mad."

He pressed a kiss to my cheek, slipping his arm up and around my shoulder which he gave a squeeze.

"Do you want to head to bed?" He asked softly, brushing hair out of my face, and I nodded. "Alright... c'mon."

He led me into our bedroom where I ended up curling up on the bed, smiling as Aaron walked over to sniff my face.

As Fred got ready for bed, I laid on the bed, petting Aaron who seemed to be rather comfortable but careful at the same time.

"You're not gonna undress?" Fred asked, and I shook my head.

"No energy."

Laughing, he walked over to the the bed, tugging at my legs and I shrieked, accidentally scaring Aaron to sprinted off the bed and hid underneath it.

"Oh... no, Fred look what you did! You scared him!"

"You're the one shrieking like a pig getting murdered." He said and undid my trousers, tugging them down my legs.

"Don't put that image into my head." I groaned, closing my eyes and running my hands over my face.

"Sit up, pretty." He said and grabbed my hands, tugging me up into a sitting position.

He helped me out of my shirt and then I dropped back on the bed again.

Fred laughed.

"Take off your bra, Kai." He said, walking towards the door. "You hate sleeping in it."

I groaned loudly as he walked into the bathroom to put my clothes in the laundry basket.

I sat up, took off my bra and threw it on the floor, not caring to pick it up. I slid under the duvet and smiled at Aaron who peaked his head out from under the bed to look at me.

"Hi." I smiled. "You're so fucking cute, and you have absolutely no idea what I'm saying, huh?"

He ducked back under the bed and I chuckled as Fred walked back into the bedroom, sighing when he saw my bra on the floor.

"Picking it up because I love you." He said and picked it off the floor, throwing it over the shoulder in such a dramatic way that it made me laugh.

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