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We weren't going bowling until tonight.

First, we were going out to eat but before we left, I made Fred clean up the mess in the bedroom.

Fred, George, Lee and Felix walked together on the sidewalk while Angie and I walked arm in arm, a few feet behind them.

"How'd the baby planning going?" I asked and looked at her.

Angie offered me a soft smile, then shook her head. "We don't have to talk about it, Kai."

"No, it's okay." I assured her. "I want to hear about it. Well, not the sex part, but everything else."

Angie chuckled and then nodded. Then she let out a sigh.

"The pregnancy tests keep showing up as negative but we keep trying." She shrugged. "Arthur needs a sibling. I know how lonely it could get, growing up as an only child, and I know how fun it was for George to grow up with a lot."

I raised my eyebrows in question.

"So you want a lot?"

"Not the size of the Weasley family, no." She laughed. "But I do want four. Not less and not more. Four is a great number. No one will get lonely."

I smiled. I could definitely see Angie and George in a family of six. I could see them getting up each morning to feed their children breakfast. I could see them kiss them goodnight and put them to bed, and while I imagined those scenarios, I looked at Fred and wished it would be us someday.

"This entire thing has changed your mind, hasn't it?" Angie asked me. "The miscarriage, I mean."

I nodded.

"I can't even start to explain how much I want a baby. His baby." I said, shaking my head. "I'm scared that it won't happen, though."

"Oh, why wouldn't it? If you just believe."

I chuckled quietly and shrugged my shoulders before looking at her.

"I had a miscarriage."

"Yes, and so did a lot of woman, but one miscarriage doesn't determine whether or not you're able to become a mother." She said. "I can't even start to imagine how hard it must've been to see the blood and—"

Angie sighed.

"It's not just one miscarriage though, is it? This was my third pregnancy."

"And the two first ones ended in brutal ways. First you were stabbed and then you lost so much blood that the baby couldn't survive. Next time, it'll stick. I know it will."

I looked at Fred who was laughing about something with Lee, and then Felix said something and Fred's smile dropped.

"They're never gonna become friends, are they?" I asked.

"Probably not, no."

I sighed.

"But you can't really blame Fred, though." Angie said, and I looked at her. "That guy has loved you since you were both seventeen. He watched you be harassed and humiliated by Felix and while he's changed and grown from the boy he was, you can't expect Fred to forget about it. I haven't forgotten either but... Felix and Lee are together so I'll have to accept his presence."

I bit down on my lip, glancing from Angie to Fred.

"We fought about him this morning." I said. "Fred looked completely... I don't even know. The way he looked at me. It was like he was desperate. And then he said that I'm never on his side and I don't know if that's true. There must be some reason as to why he feels like that."

Angie sighed.

"I don't know what goes on between the two of you, but I know you're struggling with a lot of mental health issues, and I know how hard it is for you." She said. "But I also know that Fred calls George every single day. Some days he's crying and some days he just seems down. He's not doing well either. Especially after the miscarriage, and yes, your body went through it and it hurts you, but Fred's hurting too."

"So I'm a terrible wife." I breathed, feeling my heart ache at the thought of Fred crying to George.

"You're not a terrible wife, Kai. You're struggling, and sometimes when you're fighting your own battles, it can be difficult to see other peoples struggles."


Fred's arm was wrapped around my shoulders as I sat pressed up against him in the booth, my head resting on his shoulder and my arm hooked around his stomach.

Angie and George sat across from us and next to George sat Felix while Lee sat next to me.

We had just ordered and now we were just talking.

"We've been thinking about getting a new house." Lee said as he took a sip of his soda. "Something further away from the city."

"Yeah?" Fred asked. "Sounds nice. Whose idea was it?"

I frowned slightly when I recognised the quite hostile tone in his voice, though Lee didn't seem to notice.

"Felix." Lee smiled. "Yeah, he grew up in the countryside, and the idea of living there, doesn't seem too bad, so we're going for it. We've looked at— how many houses?"

"Three, I think." Felix nodded. "We want to move closer to my family."

"Oh, you mean the death eater family?" Fred asked, and everyone at the table went quiet. "Lee, why in the world would you move closer to his family? Remember his brother?"

"Mate, have you even met his family?" Lee asked. "Besides Theodore? He's got another brother — Gideon, who literally came looking for Kai when Theodore kidnapped her. Felix had proven time after time that he does not support what his brother did, so quit being on his back all the time."

Again, the table went quiet and Fred and Lee just stared at each other while I sat between them.

"Why is he even here?" Fred then decided to ask, and I sighed as I sunk into my seat.

"He's here because he's my boyfriend, and I invited him."

"But it's not your birthday, is it?" Fred asked. "How about this? You invite this son of a bitch when it's your birthday but he stays away from mine. I don't want to have to look at him more than necessary."

Felix stood up.

"I'll leave." He said. "I don't want to be ruining anyones birthday"

"You don't have to do that." George said. "Fred's just being a dick."

"Yeah, sit back down." I said, and Fred nudged me.


"Nah." Felix shook his head. "I'm going home."

He walked outside and we all turned and looked at Fred.

"What? He did the right thing." He shrugged and took a sip of his water.

"I swear to Godric if you don't go apologise to him and convince him to come back, I will shove my wand so far up your arse..." Lee said, showing his angry side that was pretty rare. "I'm not kidding around, Fred. You constantly make my boyfriend feel unwelcome and you're gonna go apologise or we will cancel today."

After a moment, Fred scoffed and made his way out of the booth, sliding past me before following after Felix who was in the middle of cancelling his order.

We all looked towards them to see what happened. Fred said something and Felix looked at him and said something back.

Then something happened.

Fred let out a sarcastic laugh and stepped back, balling his hand into a fist.

"Oh no, he's gonna—" my sentence was cut short when Fred swung at Felix and hit him right in the jaw, sending Felix stumbling back.

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