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It was a rainy day. One of the worst we've had for a while.

The rain was pouring down, lightening lit up the dark sky and then thunder could be heard somewhere in the distance.

I walked down Diagon Alley after a long day at work. I had closed down the shop like usually and was on my way down to see Fred at work.

There were only a few people in Diagon Alley and those who were left, were fleeing from the harsh rain.

I could see the twins' shop from here. The lights inside was on and I could see a few customers on the other side of the glass, speaking to George who grabbed something off one of the higher shelves, handing it to the little boy who stood with his mother.

I stopped in the street, letting the rain pour over me as I watched the way the boys face lit up and looked up at his mother who was smiling widely, brushing her hand through his hair.

I'm going to be a mother.

I took a deep breath, realising that I was gonna have that same kind of love for these things growing inside of me.

I pressed a hand to my stomach, watching the boy and his mother leave the Diagon alley after they paid, and the mother grabbed her son's hand before they disapparated.

I noticed George who was now looking at me. Then he walked over to grab something and a second later, he had apparated and now stood in front of me, throwing his the coat he had grabbed over me.

He apparated again, this time with me and I found myself inside of the store with George in front of me.

"Are you trying to catch a cold, woman?!"

"Don't call me woman." I scoffed and took a step back.

"Why didn't you apparate? You're pregnant, Kai. You'll get sick of you wander through weather like this with no coat or anything."

I sighed and ran my fingers into my soaking wet hair.

"George, I don't think I'll die by having a cold while pregnant." I said. "Is Freddie in his office?"

"Yeah— no keep the coat on, Kai—" George sighed but I had already pushed his coat into his arms before making my way down to Fred's office.

I knocked on the door once and when I heard him shout for me to come in, I pushed it open.

"George, I'm—" he glanced at me and then did a double take when he saw it was me and not his brother. "...hi pretty."

He looked me up and down as I stepped in and shut the door behind me.

"Did you walk here?"

Fred was standing by a box of files on the shelves, looking through them.

"I wanted to walk." I nodded as Fred walked back to his desk with one folder in his hand. "What's that?"

"Finance from last month. George got a few numbers wrong and asked me to look it over." Fred took a seat and leaned back in his chair to look at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I shook my head, walking over to his desk.

I walked around it and pulled myself up to sit on it, placing my foot on his chair, right between his thighs.

"Why did you walk here?" He asked softly, carefully taking my foot before starting to remove my shoe. "You could've apparated but you decided to walk in that weather—"

As he spoke, thunder filled the air and I looked towards the window that showed the back alley.

"—you'll get sick."

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now