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After the shower, I sat in a pair of sweats on the sofa with Angelina tidying up around the flat to help me out.

I sat with a towel wrapped around me, my head leaned back against the sofa.

I wondered what Fred was doing. If he felt bad about taking my memories.

I knew he thought he was helping me, but it felt horrible, knowing that my own husband lied to me for seven years.

It felt like such a big betrayal, but the biggest betrayal of all was my own mind wanting to know if he was okay.

"I'll help you get into therapy." Angie said, making me shift my attention to her, and I could only just force a small smile to show my appreciation. "Are you hungry?"

I shook my head.

"Are you saying that because you don't want to eat?" She then asked and tilted her head, watching me with so much compassion.

"I haven't got an appetite."

"Oh babe." She sighed. "I'll order us some—"

The front door opened and I turned my head just as George walked through. His eyes immediately landed on me and once he shut the door behind him, I looked away.

"Fred is with Arthur." He told Angie.

"Ahh, okay. Well, we were just about to order some food." Angie said and walked over to him to kiss him. "Do you want anything?"

The two talked about food for a moment before Angie went to order it and George walked over to sit in the armchair, looking at me.

"You okay?"

"Did you know?" I asked while staring at the black television screen.

George didn't answer, so I looked at him to see him staring at me.

And then he nodded.

"All of it?" I asked, and he nodded again. "Of course you fucking did."

"Listen, Kai I didn't feel like it was my place to say. I didn't feel like I could judge Fred and Carter for doing that. They— I didn't know how bad it was. I knew it was bad and all but Fred was much closer than I was. I thought he was doing the right thing."

"How could it have been the right thing? He didn't ask me. He could've asked me if I wanted that, but he didn't. He's been lying to me for years. You've been lying to me for years."

George moved over to sit next to me.

"I know that you feel fooled. We all knew something about you for years that you didn't and Fred and Carter taking that away from you, wasn't okay. Just like any of us not telling you, wasn't okay either, but do you really want to throw away what you have with Fred over this? He was trying to protect you."

I shook my head.

"I'm not talking about throwing anything away. I just need a break from him." I said and George nodded understandably. "Who else knows? Everyone?"

George sighed.

"Your family?" I then asked, and George nodded. "All of them?"

He shrugged.


"Basically?" I cocked an eyebrow. "Who doesn't know?"

It took him a second to answer.

"Well, Percy doesn't."

"But everyone else?"

He nodded.

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