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I looove life.

So, my former friend, and now I'm gonna name me, because she already named me on her profile.


Yep, that's one of the people I've been having issues with.

Apparently she's the therapist friend even though she's the one always needing support.

The one time I needed it, when I was in the hospital after an attempt, she said it was too much and she needed to step away from me.

Now both my friends through 11 years hate me and the only friend I have left is a person that was actually there for me.

Also, I'm drinking an entire bottle of wine... maybe two, so I may be a litttle tipsy lol

But maybe I AM the problem. Maybe  I just love too hard and people leave because they can't handle me.

Everyone leaves eventually lmao

I should get used to it.

My dad and now my best friends. I was rejected by the girl I fell in love with, after we already went on one date.

My sister has a perfect life in Copenhagen with her handsome and rich boyfriend. She's got a flat and she has a job and all these friends, and a dog, and a car, and she couldn't care less about me anymore, right?


They all leave because I'm one big emotional wreck with Borderline Personality Disorder.

I probably shouldn't be drinking because I have school tomorrow, but who cares?

I'm not gonna be sleeping so I might as well drink and hate myself at the same time.

Also, it's like super fucking hot and I'm burning alive and I hate it


Lee sat and ate a bag of crisps, staring at a wall.

He hadn't said much since he found out about Felix, and I felt responsible. I felt guilty, and I knew I shouldn't, because Lee deserved to know who he was in a relationship with.

Fred and I were still trying to figure out a name for our red-headed son but it was difficult and while George tried to help, he was terrible at picking names.

"Wait." I looked at Angie. "You were pregnant. You— you had a baby. A second baby."

"I did." Angie laughed softly. "We had another boy in February. His name is Elias."

"Elias." I muttered, smiling. "That's a great name."

Lee got to his feet, and we all watched him as he threw the now empty bag of crisps out before marching out of the room.

At the same time, a few Aurors entered, and I felt myself tense up, because I knew they came for a statement.

They had been trying every day since they found me, but I hadn't wanted to talk.

I knew I needed to, otherwise they were going to keep coming back.

"Mrs Weasley." One of the Aurors gave me a nod of acknowledgment, and I offered a faint smile.

Fred automatically moved closer to me, and George excused himself to go talk to Lee.

The Aurors asked me a bunch of questions, and I answered them all.

Then they asked if there were anyone else, besides Theodore, and I hesitated.

"Ma'am?" The one who led this conversation asked, as I had been quiet for a moment too long.

"Theodore's brothers were there." I exhaled. "Gideon and Felix Larch."

The other auror wrote it down.

"And..." I sighed, shutting my eyes, and Fred wrapped his free arm around me. "...Kwan, my brother."

"Kwan? Your brother who's dead?"

"He's not dead." I said and stared in front of me. "He faked his death. He's very much alive. He wants to take over the wizarding world. He wants to make the world Korean."

The two Aurors exchanged a look, and then they put their focus back on me.

"Can you tell us what happened in those nine months they held you captive?"

I shut my eyes and brought my hands up to rub at my eyes, because this was the question I feared.

Though I just wanted to get it over with.

"They acted like everything was normal. They acted as if we were a family. Breakfast was spent with Theodore. At lunch his brothers would join us, and at dinner Kwan was there too." I explained. "For the first few weeks, I was forced to shower or bathe while Theodore watched. If I refused, he would bathe me, and hit me. One time, he pushed my head beneath the water because I wouldn't look at him when I asked him to."

I shut my eyes as I teared up.

"Then I found out I was pregnant and—"

"Did he rape you?" One of the Aurors cut me off and it startled me.

"No. No... not at first. I was pregnant with my husbands child, but Kwan wanted me to raise it with Theodore as the dad."

"You said he didn't rape you at first. When did he rape you?"

"Is this really necessary?" Fred asked, annoyed, and I squeezed his hand, letting him know it was alright.

"I... one morning I was having sex with him. I remember the day because it was my husbands birthday. I had sex with Theodore sometimes. I was trying to get him to trust me, so I could escape. But I said my husbands name during sex, and when I wanted to stop, he refused. He just kept going, even though he was hurting me."

I inhaled and shook my head. It was painful to talk about. I needed to get it over with.

"Afterwards, I just laid there, curled up in the sheets, and he got ready for the day. I knew he was angry with me." I said, shrugging. "But that was the only time. All the other times were consensual."

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