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Kwan's voice hit my ears, but I didn't respond. I sat in the window sill of the bedroom, my hand pressed to the window.

The ground outside was covered in snow, and it was beautiful.

"I never meant for it to happen like this. I never meant for you to think I was dead."

"Liar..." I whispered, still not looking at him.


"You were pushed off a bridge. You were murdered. I thought it was Carter, then I thought it was Martha. But you aren't dead."

"Can you look at me?"


"Was this your plan all along?" I asked. "Leave home, act like it was mum's fault—"

"It was mum's fault."

"...wait for me to reappear in your life so you could manipulate me, and then you make me think you are dead, only for you to have me kidnapped an entire decade later."

Kwan sighed and stood up from where he had been sitting on the bed.

"What's the reason for me being here?" I asked, and finally looked at my half-brother. "You must have a reason. Why am I here, Kwan?"

Kwan sighed again.

"I know Theodore raped you the last time." He said, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Oh right. You weren't actually dead back then." I inhaled sharply. "Let me guess... you were behind that as well?"

Kwan walked closer, turned around and leaned back against the window sill where I sat.

"I know Theodore got you pregnant."

"Shut up."

He looked at me.

"I want you to join me, Kyung-Hu." He said, lowering his voice. "I want to take over the wizarding world. I want to be in charge, and I want your help."

I stared at him like he was crazy.

"What the fuck—"

"When have we ever had a Korean minister?" He asked me. "When have we ever had an entire ministry employment consisting of Koreans?"

"Uh... never? Because it would be really fucking weird if the ministry only consisted of one race."

"It basically always does. The white folks." He told me. "When you walk through the ministry, you'll be lucky if you spot anyone who's black, but someone who's Asian? East Asian?"

"Are you forgetting that our current minister is black?" I asked. "You are fucking sick, you know what? Race doesn't fucking matter in this, Kwan. And what the fuck do you know about politics? You'd make a horrible minister."

He clenched his jaw, staring at me.

"Plus, why'd you want my help?" I asked. "I'm only half Korean."

"Still Korean." He shrugged. "I want to unite those two countries. South Korea and the United Kingdom. We'll become one."


"You're going to help me, one way or another, Kyung-Hu." He said quietly, standing up straight. "I'll be back when you're in a brighter move."

As he walked to the door, I got off the sill and grabbed a pillow, throwing it after him, but he didn't even react.

"You're fucking insane Lee Kwan!" I shouted, and he turned, looking at me before shutting the door.

This is exactly why I never wanted Fred to meet my grandparents. They've always been sort of crazy about the idea of taking over the United Kingdom and merge it with South Korea, and now they had apparently made Kwan go for it.

My mother was crazy, but that was only because she grew up with even crazier parents.

The rest of my Korean family cut off my grandparents a long time ago. I have uncles and aunts out there somewhere that I haven't ever met. All because of my grandparents.

Sure, my grandparents were the amazing grandparents you want, but their views on the world is fucked up.


I had an headache.

It was in the middle of the night, and I laid sleepless in bed, next to Theodore's sleeping body.

I stared at the ceiling, too scared to move in case he'd wake up.

I didn't know how long I had been here for. Probably weeks, but I felt like I was going insane.

They were all acting like everything's normal.

I spent every morning eating breakfast with Theodore.

Lunch with him and his brothers, and at dinner, Kwan would join us.

I was free to roam the basement. I couldn't get out, so why did it matter? There wasn't anything within reach for me to kill myself with, so they trusted me to walk around.

I wanted to scream. All the fucking time. Sometimes I even though I managed to do it, but nope... I was only screaming inside of my head.

I couldn't even drown myself in the tub. They turned off the water at night, so nothing would happen if I did try to turn on the water and fill the tub.

I was forced to live here, forced to live in a world where I didn't have Fred.

Fred was at home, and he was probably scared shitless. He was probably not eating.

The last time this happened, all of those years ago, he barely ate while I was kidnapped. That had been an entire month, and I was sure I was close to having been here a month again.

Theodore mumbled in his sleep and turned over, his arm hooking over my stomach, and I shut my eyes, hating the feeling of it.

I tried to imagine that it was Fred lying next to me. I'm home in our bedroom, sleeping next to Fred. It's his arm draped over my stomach, it's his body heat I can feel under the duvet.

"Why are you awake?" His voice hit me, pulling me from my imagination.

Fred wasn't the one next to me.

It wasn't Fred.

Not at all.

Not Fred.


I didn't answer him, and I felt him move. He turned into his side and propped himself onto his elbow, looking at me.

He rested his head in the palm of his hand.

"Kai." He said in a whisper, running his hand over my stomach, and I shut my eyes again.


"Can't sleep, hmm?" He asked, his fingers drawing circles on my bare skin, just below where my shirt had risen up my stomach.

Stop touching me.

The second his hands reached the hem of my shorts, I rose out of bed and hurried out of the bedroom.

I needed to throw up.

I ran into the bathroom and suddenly I was in front of the toilet, throwing up.

Not soon after, I felt hands on my back, but I was done puking and I jerked away from him and his touch.

I stared up at him as he reached for some toilet paper and crouched by me, wiping my mouth. Then he flushed the toilet.

"You're pregnant." He stated, sitting down in front of me, and I shook my head. "Yes. You're pregnant. I'm gonna get Felix to buy a test for you."

"I'm not pregnant." I said in a whisper.

"You and Weasley forgot a condom that night, remember?"

I shut my eyes and suddenly I felt nauseous again. The thought of him being there always made me nauseous.

"It doesn't matter." I said quietly. "I'll miscarry, so no matter how much you want it, you won't ever have any control over any child of mine."

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