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"Mrs Weasley?"

I blinked before looking up at the auror who had asked a question I hadn't heard. I had completely spaced out for a moment.

Now everything felt weird. Everything felt so surreal, like the world wasn't real.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, scratching my neck.

"Did they allow you to have contact with your father in the months you were in their custody?"

I must've heard him wrong. I blinked a few times, looking to Fred who was staring weirdly at the auror.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, looking at the man again. "My father?"

"Her dad's been dead for nine years." Fred spoke, his hand tightening a little on my shoulder. "Chas Brooks? Look in whatever files you have of him, and you'll see that he passed away during the battle."

The Aurors exchanged a look before the one in the back looked down, and the one who ran this entire interview, looked at me with sympathy written across his face.

"Your father, Charles Brooks, or Chas as most people know him, have been living in Germany for the past nine years. His mind has been tampered with. He has no recollection of getting hurt in the battle, but he does have a memory of divorcing your mother and leaving you and your siblings behind because you didn't want anything to do with him."

Suddenly I felt dizzy, and I brought both hands to my head, my eyes wide and staring down at the duvet that covered me.

"What are you saying?" Fred asked. "Kwan faked Chas' death and put these fake memories in his mind?"

"That's our theory, yes." The auror nodded once. "Your father has been brought here to St. Mungo's so the healers can try and figure it out, maybe fix what Kwan broke, but I think he'd be very happy to see you, ma'am."

I inhaled sharply, shaking my head back and forth, still holding my head.

"He's dead." I whispered. "Why are you lying to me? Why are you—"

I looked up.

"I saw his body! I still see his fucking body when I sleep! We buried him! You can't come here and tell me he's been alive all along when I've been mourning him for nine years!"

"We understand that this is something that will turn your entire world around, but your father is alive."

I heard Fred inhaled sharply, and then he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me.

"How'd you find him?" Angie asked from across the room. "Chas, I mean."

"We got an anonymous tip, explaining everything." He answered. "It's how we found Mrs Weasley, and it's how we found her father."

I squeezed my eyes shut and I pressed my hands to my ears, trying to shut it out. It was a habit I had made while being kidnapped. If Theodore was shouting at me, I'd push my hands to my ear, trying to shut him out, and right now I didn't want to hear them tell me my dead dad wasn't so dead anymore.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up." I said, again and again and again, rocking back and forth with my knees pulled up to my chest.

Fred's arms wrapped around me tighter, and he joined me on the bed, trying to calm me down from whatever was happening to me right now.

I didn't know how long I sat there like that, but when I felt Fred wrap his hands around my wrists, I opened my eyes and stared into his.

"It's okay." He said softly. "They left. The Aurors left, yeah? You don't have to listen to anymore of that."

I leaned forward, and I wrapped my arms around his back, resting my head against his chest.

He had put out baby in the bassinet, but he was crying, so Angie picked him up.

"He sort of looks like a Jonas." She said, trying to get me to think about something else. "Or Fern... like the plant."

"Fern?" I asked, wiping my cheeks clean from tears.

"Nah. No way." Fred laughed. "Maybe as a middle name but we are not naming him Fern."

"Alright..." Angie nodded slowly. "Jonas Fern Weasley. How does that sound?"

"I like that." Fred said, nodding slowly, and then he looked at me, a faint smile playing on his lips as he held my hand.

"Yeah." A small smile spread on my lips while I stared at our son. "Jonas Fern Weasley. I like it."

"So that's it? We've got a name?" Fred asked, and when I looked at him and saw his smile, I forgot about all my troubles for just a moment.

I nodded, hugging him again. I tilted my head back and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"See. Auntie Angie know what she's talking about. She's the expert of names." Angie said, and I laughed, turning head to look at her, but my head still rested against Fred's chest, and his arms were wrapped around my shoulders.

"Now we're basically forced to make you the godmother, aren't we?" Fred asked, and Angie's eyes lit up.

I sighed dramatically.

"You just ruined our entire plan, Angelina. How are we supposed to find someone else when you just named him."

"Wait... don't mess with me. Are you two being serious?"

I laughed, nodding.

"Yeah. We want you to be his godmother."

Angie teared up, and I could tell by the way she looked at us, that she was thanking us silently. I also knew she would cry if she opened her mouth to verbally thank us.

She leaned down and kissed Jonas' forehead, and that felt weird — referring to him as Jonas.

He has an actual name.

"I need to stretch my legs." I groaned, moving away from Fred before pulling myself to my feet.

I walked around the bed, giving Angie a hug, before I started walking around the room, getting the blood flowing in my legs.

I had been in bed for hours and I didn't want to lose any muscle by laying here all day every day.

"Do you think Lee is okay?" I asked, cracking my knuckles.

"No." Angie breathed, shaking her head. "He was planning to propose to him."

"What?" I spun around to face Angie.

Then I looked at Fred for confirmation, and he nodded slowly.

"He has a ring and everything." Fred muttered, shaking his head. "I knew Felix was a bastard, but... fuck."

"I don't think any of us thought he'd be capable of something so cruel."

I hummed softly, wrapping my eyes around myself, and yet again, the guilt rose inside of me.

"Kai. He had to know." Fred spoke, reading my mind, and I nodded.

"No, I know." I said quietly. "Doesn't mean I don't feel bad. Lee loved him."

The conversation stopped as the door to the room barged open, and I turned to see Carter.

His eyes were wide and he looked completely wild, as if he had run down the hallway and fought healers to get here.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" He cursed loudly, dropping the jacket he held to the floor. Then he rushed towards me, and pulled me into his arms.

He held me so tightly, and he held me for a long time, no one saying a word. The room was so quiet, and for a moment, I was wondering whether or not Carter had fallen asleep while holding me.

Then he pulled away, raking one hand through his hair while staring at me, as if considering that I wasn't real.

"Holy shit." He whispered. "Kai—"

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" He asked. "None of this is your fault, Kai. None of it."

He pulled me into another hug.

"I'm so happy you're okay."

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