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"You ready?"

Fred dangled the keys in front of him as we stood in front of the house in Godric's hollow.

"Unlock the door, you idiot." I grinned, shaking my head at him, and Fred laughed hoarsely before he pushed the key in and turned it.

The door creaked a little when he pushed it open, and he stepped aside to let me walk in first.

I stepped through the door and looked around at the small room I now stood in. Windows surrounded us and there was a sort of bench all the way around, stopping on either side of the front door and on either side of the glass door in front of me that led into the actual house.

I stepped forward to make room for Fred, and he walked in, shutting the door behind him after pulling out the keys.

"This is cute." I said, pointing to all the plants that covered the bench.

Fred reached in front of me and pushed open the glass door.

"Keep in mind, an older couple lived here. Furniture will be moved out at the end of the month so if we choose to buy, we'll get it handed over completely empty."

I nodded and continued walking into the entrance hall. I stood on a multi-colored rug. A carpeted staircase was in front of me, leading upstairs.

I could see four doors.

Two to my left, one to my right and one down the hallway past the stairs.

"They raised three children in this house." Fred said from behind me as I walked over to an old clock that stood against the wall.

It looked like the one at the Burrow, but without the spoons.

"So it's safe for a family."

I smiled back at him before looking around again, my eyes landing on a short door on the other side of the staircase.

"Baby, look." I said. "It's a cupboard... in a wall."

Fred grunted with laughter and I looked back at him as I crouched by the door.


"Reminds me of a certain person." He joked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't bully him when he's not here to stick up for himself."

Fred leaned against the stairs, watching me while I ran my fingers over the wood of the door.

"I'm curious." I muttered, wanting nothing more than to open it and look inside.

"Well, we're here to look at the house, so open it." Fred spoke, and I grabbed the small round handle before pulling the cupboard open.

It looked like it was being used for storage, but the room was surprisingly big.

"No way... wicked." Fred whispered as he leaned down over me to look inside. "Think of all the things you could hide in here."

I looked up at him and laughed.

"Let's look at the rest of the house." I said, shutting the door again before getting to my feet.

I walked past the stairs and into the first room on the left.

It was a living room with a grey corner sofa and a light sofa table made out of wood.

There was two set of windows. One slim and one large that looked out over the front garden and the driveway.

"Those curtains are horrible." Fred commented while I looked out of the window. "Why are they matching the cushions?"

"Freddie, we are here to look at the house, not judge a dead couples furniture style."

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now