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The room was full of chatter as we were all gathered around the table for lunch as Molly had made ham.

I was sat between Fred and Angie, and next to Fred, sat Myeong.

Fred was in conversation with his father and Percy about something and I was talking with Angie and Charlie.

"They really are wonderful creatures. They can be quite affectionate if you've raised them from birth." Charlie told us. "Remember the Hungarian Horntail that Harry had to get past in the Triwizard tournament? That's the one dragon I wouldn't want to pet."

"I don't see why you'd want to pet any dragons." I chuckled. "Imagine getting flamed by fire."

Angie made a face as she imagined the pain of a dragon's fire, but Charlie simply smiled.

"You should come visit in Romania some day." He told me. "I'll introduce you to the dragons. Though, we don't only have dragons. There are a few other creatures that we look after but it's mainly dragons."

"What is it you do at the sanctuary?" Angie asked. "I've never quite understood it. You keep dragons locked up?"

Charlie shook his head.

"We protect them from hunters and we study them to get to know them and their kinds better."

I opened my mouth to answer, but the sound of Fred tapping his glass with his knife, earned everyone's attention, including mine.

When he stood up, pushing his chair back, a grin on his face, everyone, including me knew exactly what it was time for.

Though, Molly didn't realise and looked at him.

Resting my elbow on the table, I had a hand against my neck as I looked up at Fred.

"As you all know, Kai and I have been married for a long time now and recently, we decided to take a huge step in our marriage." He said and grinned down at me.

I shook my head at him, hearing Molly gasp like every year.

"You're pregnant!" She exclaimed. "Oh please tell me this year is the one!"

Fred laughed.

"We're getting a cat." He said and Molly's face dropped.

"Oh, you foolish boy!" She shrieked.

"You're gonna give your mother a heart attack if you continue that." Arthur said, shaking his head with a faint smile while I laughed into my hand, leaning back in my chair.

"Merlin's beard, Freddie." George shook his head. "You're cruel, mate."

Though George still high-fived him over my head.

"What?" Fred then laughed when he saw his mother's expression. "It's not my fault we aren't having children. Kai's the one who doesn't want them."

"What—" I turned to my husband and raised my eyebrows at him. "...you are just pinning everything on me today, aren't you?"

Then I turned to Molly.

"I never said I don't want children." I told her. "But right now, work is my child."

"Yeah, no I get that." Charlie said. "Work is—"

"Alright, we get it." Ginny groaned. "You don't want children. You don't have to mention it at every single gathering. Percy's a fucking work nerd but he still wants kids, so work isn't an excuse to give me more nieces and nephews."

Then she looked at me and pointed a finger at me.

"That goes for you as well. You will have children because I do want as many nieces and nephews as possible." She said. "Work isn't an excuse."

I held up my hands in defence and as I did, baby cries filled the house. Angie and George both went to get up to check on their son, but Molly quickly told them to stay in their seats.

"I'll get him. Don't worry." She said with a huge smile, disappeared into the living room where little Arthur was sleeping.

People fell back into chatter, and Bill showed something to Myeong while Fred placed his hand on my thigh.

I looked at him and smiled while placing my hand on top of his. I gave it a squeeze while he leaned in closer, his lips brushing past my earlobe.

"No pregnancy equals more time for baby making." He whispered and I rolled my eyes, elbowing his side.

"Shut up." I told him, before moving his hand away to place my own on his thigh. "Remember that early present you were talking about?"

Fred looked at me as I smiled cheekily up at him.

"I knew you'd want it." He chuckled. "C'mon. Let's go upstairs."

We pulled ourselves from the table and Fred found my hand as he led me upstairs where we could be alone in he and George's childhood room.

I slumped onto Fred's bed, folding my legs underneath me while he shut the door behind him.

He dug his hand into the pocket of his trousers, as he approached the bed, and when he stood right in front of me, he pulled out a small package wrapped in red Christmas paper that had reindeers on it.

I chuckled.

"That's so cute." I said and he smiled while handing the package to me.

As I studied the reindeers, Fred threw himself on the bed, propping himself up on one elbow to look at me.

"Open it." He laughed softly, running a hand through his hair. "You can always save the paper and look at reindeers another day."

I swatted his chest but then turned towards him on the bed, pulling the string off the square package.

"Oh my god!" Fred groaned. "You're so slow!"

I looked at him and cocked an eyebrow, pausing with the package turned in my hand.

"I'm sorry?"

"Please just open it." He whined. "My balls are sweating."

"Your balls?" I laughed.

"Oh for fuck sake!" He groaned. "Open it!"

He reached out for it but I held it out of his reach.

"I will!" I argued. "Be patient!"

He let out a slight grunt as he sat back against the wall, watching me as I opened the wrapping paper and turned the package over again to reveal a black square box inside of it.

I recognised the brand on the box, and I smirked at Fred, wanting to rile him up and make him nervous.

"Jewellery, eh?" I asked and his eyes met mine for a short second before he brought his fingers up to his lips, chewing on the tip of his thumb.

I managed to open the box and I felt a quiet gasp leave my mouth as I saw the beautiful silver necklace with what looked like a snake attached to it.

"Oh... it's beautiful." I said and ran my fingers over the necklace, taking the snake pendant in my hand to study it.

Diamond after diamond followed it's shape, covering the entirety of the outer side of the snake.

"A snake..." I muttered before I looked at Fred who was watching me intensely.

"A snake and a serpent is the same thing." He said after clearing his throat and then my eyes widened with the realisation.

"We first got together in the serpentine corridor." I said with a smile slowly spreading across my face. "That's where it all started."

He nodded and I got to my knees, moving closer to him before I hugged him, my arms slipping around his neck.

"I love it." I whispered against his neck. "Thank you."

Slowly, he slid his arms around my back and hugged me even closer, hiding his face against my shoulder.

I pulled back again, taking the necklace out of the box to study it again, and then I looked at Fred.

"Help me wear it?"

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now