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"What's that supposed to mean?"

Fred shrugged and looked away while leaning against the opposite side of the doorframe.

"That it's ridiculous for two people who wants different things in life, to get married." He spoke, looking at me again. "I want to be a parent, but you don't, and that's fair but how will we ever work out if one of us will continue to be miserable?"

"...I don't know..." I breathed. "But what exactly are you saying right now? Because whatever it sounds like, scares me."

"I'm not saying divorce, I'm just—"

"No?" I laughed. "Because that's what it sounds like."

"Well, that's not what I'm suggesting. The last thing I want is to live a life without you, but—"

"But what, Fred?!" I snapped, taking a step towards me. "I can't believe you're saying this right now! You knew exactly what you signed up for when you married me and you were the one who wanted us to get married!"


"So, you knew when we got married, that I might never want children and you told me you were okay with that. You didn't need children because as long as you were with me, you were happy! So what changed? Am I not making you happy anymore?!"


My body froze for a minute and I just stared at him, my eyes slightly wide.

"No?" I asked quietly, my voice weak. I let out a shaky breath and then I stepped back.

"Babe, that's not— I didn't mean that."

"But you said it." I folded my arms over my chest and looked away.

"I didn't mean it. I'm just— we're fighting all the time and it's exhausting! I love you so much and I want us to be happy but it's not working anymore. I think—"

I looked up at him.

My heart was beating out of my chest, terrified of the next words to come out of his mouth.

"I think we need to take a break from each other." He said, and that was that.

My heart broke.

"Just for a little while as we focus on couple counselling." He said. "You can have the flat."

"No." I said, shaking my head. "I don't want the flat. I don't want anything. Not if it's without you. You're not leaving me."

"Of course I'm not leaving you, Kai. It's a break."

"A break? Everyone says that and it never works out. If we go on a break, then we will never get together again. We're not doing it. It isn't happening."

"Kai—" Fred reached for my face but I shoved his hands away and I backed up.

"I'm sorry, okay? We can try for a baby. I've changed my mind, I—"

"Kai I am not suggesting this because you don't want a baby. I'm suggesting it because we fight over everything and I'm tired of it! I love you, yeah? I want us to fix this but I think that requires some time away from each other."

He made his way down the hallway and I followed him.

"We don't need time away from each other!" I spoke. "Please don't leave, Freddie. You're just upset about the whole Felix thing—"

"Yeah, that's it. Tell me how I'm feeling." He said and turned to look at me. "Why are you fighting me on this, Kai? It'll be good for the both of us—"

"Because you're leaving me!" I shouted. "Just like everyone else!"

Fred sighed.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. "Who's leaving you?"

"My dad died. So did Kwan, and Maya's always away travelling and now..."

I sighed and shut my eyes as I sunk down on the sofa.

I promised myself not to tell him today. Not on his birthday.

Carter called me this morning just before we all left to go eat.

Our mother passed away last night.

It hadn't really sunk in and I didn't know what I was feeling.

"Now what?" Fred asked and crouched down in front of me.

"Nothing." I shook my head.

He put his hands on my knees and stroke them with his thumb while trying to catch my gaze.

"Kai... love." He said softly. "Will you look at me?"

After a moment, I lifted my head slightly and our eyes met.

"I am not leaving you." He said. "I don't want this either but..."

He got stuck in his sentence and I frowned slightly, waiting for him to just spit it out.

"Alright, how about this?" He asked. "We've walked about moving, right?"

I nodded.

"How about we get the house and we'll stay there together but we'll keep the flat as well in case one of us needs to leave whatever situation is making us fight. We'll be able to cool down and then return and have a chill conversation about it."

I nodded, this time more eagerly. I swung my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"Just don't leave me." I whispered, as he slipped his arms around my back.

"I won't." He said and pressed a kiss to my neck. "I promise you I won't."

He pulled his head back and looked at me, brushing hair out of my face. Then he pressed a soft kiss to my lips and offered me a smile.

"What we're you going to say?" He then asked. "When you were talking about everyone leaving..."

I shook my head.

"C'mon, Kai. Why won't you tell me?"

"Because it's your birthday."

"So? My birthday has certainly been interesting so far. Just tell me."

I sighed and looked at him, running my hands over his shoulder.

"Mum died last night."

He let out a breath, and I looked down to avoid his eyes.

"What? Oh..." he muttered. "...oh... I'm so sorry."

He wrapped his arms around me again and pulled me down from the sofa to pull me against him.

"You could've told me." He said. "I don't care about my birthday."

"But I do." I whispered. "I wanted today to be perfect."

"I know." He pressed a kiss to my temple. "But to walk around with that for an entire day, keeping it to yourself... that's too much for you. If you had told me, we could've stayed at home."

I shut my eyes as I rested my head against his chest. I let out a heavy breath and then I broke into tears as it hit me.

Both of my parents were dead.

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