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I didn't tell Fred about what my mother said.

I didn't find it necessary to bring it up again — mostly because I was acting like it didn't actually hurt.

For each time my mum would insult me, I'd just miss my dad further and further. If he had been here, if he had heard that, he would instantly have stood up for me.

It was Christmas Eve.

Fred was making breakfast with help from Myeong while I sat in bed with a book, reading a single chapter before I had to get ready for the day.

We were going to the Burrow today for Christmas Eve and then tomorrow, everyone would be coming here to spend Christmas.

I could hear Fred talk to Myeong about Santa Claus, asking him what he had asked Santa for Christmas.

Half the presents underneath the tree were for Myeong, but we still needed a gift that was addressed from Santa himself and to do that, we needed to know what he had written on his wish list a few days ago that he had thrown into the fire so that it would reach Santa.

When I finished my chapter, I got out of bed and brought an outfit with me into the bathroom.

I showered, brushed my teeth and then got dressed into some dark red high-waisted trousers and a white jumper.

I brushed through my hair while looking at myself in the mirror, then decided to pull it back and into a high ponytail with a few of the shorter strands framing my face.

I left the bathroom, walking back into the room to put on a pair of cosy and fuzzy socks

As I sat on the bed, pulling on the socks, Fred walked into the room while pulling his t-shirt off.

I looked at him, seeing him smile sweetly at me while he turned to the dresser.

"I spilled an egg on it." He said before he used magic to transfer the shirt to the laundry basket in the bathroom.

"An egg?" I asked. "What're you making?"

Fred glanced back at me as he grabbed a button-up shirt and shoved his arms through it before throwing the material up over his shoulders, leaving it open which kept his chest and stomach revealed to me.

"Eggs." He grinned. "Scrambled... with bacon."


"What?" He chuckled. "Not good enough, your highness?"

I tossed a pillow at him and he laughed, throwing it right back but I caught it and placed it next to me.

Fred kept his eyes on me, a strand of hair hanging over his face while he buttoned his shirt.

"That's annoying me." I said and pointed at him, which only resulted in a cocked eyebrow.

"What's annoying you, lovely?"

Ignoring his question, I stood up and walked over, brushing my hand through the front of his hair to push the strand of hair out of his face.

"There... that's better." I said quietly and went to step back when Fred placed a hand on my waist, keeping me in place.

He duck his head and pressed a soft kiss to my lips, letting the feeling linger on mine on perhaps.

"Gotta get back to Myeong and make sure he doesn't spill another egg." He said, walking towards the door.

"I thought you spilled it." I said and he stopped and looked back at me with a smirk.

"Didn't mean to sell out your brother." He winked at me before looking me up and down. "You look cute."

Then he continued down the hallway and I smiled, my cheeks heating up at his compliment and the way his voice had been so soft when he said it.

"Do you think Charlie has a dragon with him?" I heard Myeong ask when I walked into the kitchen after spraying on some perfume.

"We can only hope." Fred smiled down at him. "Set the table will you? You can choose the napkins if you want to."

"Ooh!" Myeong quickly crawled off the small stool he had been standing on to reach the counter, and he hurried over to the drawer with the different napkins for special occasions.

"Hi Kai!" He shouted when he saw me and instantly returned his attention to picking out napkins.

"Good morning Myeong." I chuckled, continuing over to where Fred stood. "And good morning Freddie."

"Morning, pretty." He slipped an arm around my lower back and pressed a kiss to my cheek while turning the bacon. "I've got an early present for you before we leave for the Burrow."

I placed my chin on his shoulder and smiled.

"You do?"

He hummed in response and turned his head to now kiss my forehead.

He could feel my wand in my back pocket, causing him to pull his head away slightly to look at me.

"What've I told you about keeping it in your back pocket?" He asked. "It'll get stolen."

"No it won't." I said and grabbed my wand from my pocket, stepping back while twirling it between my fingers. "I've got good reflexes. No one can sneak up on me?"

Fred didn't answer. He stared at me for a second before he turned back to the bacon, and I chuckled, then turned to look at Myeong who was setting the table with plates, cutlery and birthday napkins he had picked out.

"Not the Christmas ones?" I asked, causing him to look at me.

"No. I like the balloon ones better." He told me. "You used them for my birthday."

We held his birthday here earlier in the year when mum was too depressed to celebrate it so we still had the birthday napkins from then.

"That's fair." I nodded and placed my wand on the counter before I walked over and helped him set the table.

"Is mum coming tomorrow?" Myeong asked and looked up at me. "For Christmas, I mean."

I leaned my hands on the table, wondering how to answer that.

To be honest, I was almost a hundred percent sure that she wasn't gonna be here but I didn't want that to be a thing that upset Myeong.

Of course it was gonna upset him though. His own mother couldn't stand the responsibility that came with taking care of him.

He was eight — he wanted to spend Christmas with his mother but he didn't even get a chance to.

"You know, why don't you go write a letter and ask her?" Fred jumped in and earned his attention while I looked down at the table for a moment, then closed my eyes. "There should be some parchment and a quill in the desk."

"Okay!" Myeong sprinted into the bedroom to find some parchment in the desk, and soon after, I felt Fred brush his hand up and down my back.

I straightened up, looking at him before looking towards the open bedroom door. I could hear Myeong talk to himself as he wrote the letter, repeating every word he wrote down.

"You're doing what's best for him by turning her in to the ministry." Fred said in a soft and quiet voice. "He might not understand it at first, but growing up, he'll appreciate it and everything you and Carter do for him."

I sighed.

"I don't like it." I said. "I don't like it at all."

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