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"Why am I still pregnant?!" I screamed at the reflection in the mirror, smashing my hands into the sink over and over again.

Because this wasn't fair.

Why did I have to have a normal pregnancy now? Why did I manage to avoid a fucking miscarriage now when I'm trapped in this shit hole?

When Fred and I were trying, I kept losing the baby, but now that I'm in an environment where I really don't want to be pregnant and have a baby, I manage to reach my second trimester.

Kwan is constantly giving me ultrasounds, making sure the baby is alright. He's making sure I keep the baby and myself healthy.

He beat Theodore up when he found out what Theodore had done to me.

My entire face was fucked up after what he did, but it had been a while and now I had been here for such a long time.

Today was the start of the second trimester. Which means I'm thirteen weeks pregnant and I had been here for weeks already when I found out I was pregnant.

But I conceived the same day I got kidnapped so...

It had at least been three months since I got snatched from my bathroom at home.

"Jesus Christ, Kai!" And then Theodore was by my side, stopping me from punching the porcelain sink.

My knuckles were bleeding, and my blood was smeared across the white sink.

Theodore guided me to sit on the toilet seat before he found the first aid kit.

"You will never be a father to this child." I said quietly, but he ignored me as he started cleaning up the blood on my hands.

I stared at him, so much anger filling my body. He noticed that I was staring, so his eyes flicked up to meet mine.

His eyes were so dark, so brown and it was the same eyes I grew up around.

His hair was brown as well, a light brown with a red glow.

He had strong cheekbones, a sharp jaw and he was what you would see as attractive, but my hatred towards him made him nothing but ugly in my eyes.

I had to look at him for a long time, study him if I wanted to see just an ounce of beauty in him.

Because he was horrible.

Theodore placed a hand against the side of my neck, stroking his thumb over my cheek.

"You have no idea how much I love you." He said in a small whisper. "I never want to hurt you."

He leaned in, and I had to force myself not to throw up when he kissed me.

It was so soft, so gentle, and I was clenching my hands, doing everything in my power to not punch him right then and there.

Because it would only end up harming myself.

When Theodore pulled back, he continued wrapping my hands in gauze, and I just stared at him.

A few strands of hair fell in front of his eyes, and he made one motion with his head to get the hair out of his face.

"Listen." He said when he finished, placing his hands on my thighs, and I flinched, trying to get away from him, which be noticed. "Kai, I have no intend of forcing you to do anything. I know I did that once but that was years ago. I was a stupid child."

"You were in your twenties." I said quietly. "That's not a child."

"Alright, yes. But now I'm thirty-one, and I have no intend of doing anything that aren't consensual."

"Oh, like kidnapping me?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Kai." He sighed. "But I do hope you've consider it, because I know you're attracted to me, and I know you're feeling lonely. Sex would help that."

I glared at him as he stood up straight.

"C'mon." He said, and he picked me up, not allowing me to walk to whatever reason. "You need to get back to bed, and take your meds so you can sleep."

I needed to get out of here, to earn his trust enough to let me roam a little. Then I could come up with some kind of plan and run away.

I just needed to get away until I could finally use magic again.

I couldn't use magic here either.

They thought of everything.

And if Theodore wanted sex...



Definitely not.

Theodore put me on the bed, and I just laid there, staring at the ceiling as he started undressing me for bed.

But now that my mind that crosses it, I kept fighting myself on the topic of having sex with Theodore.

It would help me try to convince him I was into him. It would feed into his ego, and maybe he would let his guard down to the point where I could escape.

But then again, I really didn't want to have sex with Theodore.

I couldn't cheat on Fred, not ever, not even if it meant it gave me a chance to get home and back to him.

I couldn't do it.

But it could be my only opportunity of earning a little of his trust.

Theodore pulled the duvet over me before he brushed a few fingers over my cheekbone.

"I'll be back with the sleeping pill in just a moment." He told me, and walked out of the door.

I turned over on my side and shut my eyes, looking at the glass of water that stood on my nightstand.

I kept fighting my own thoughts.

Theodore was attractive if you looked past his personality.

If I just pretended he was Fred...


Out of frustration, I tugged on my hair.

Why was I even considering this? How could I possibly consider this?


The footsteps entered the room again, and as Theodore came into view with the pill, I sat up.

He placed it in the palm of my hand and I threw it into my mouth before reaching for the glass of water.

I swallowed the pill and laid back down without a word.

"Good girl." Theodore whispered as he leaned down and kissed the top of my head. "Goodnight. Sleep well."'

I inhaled sharply.

Act civil.

"Goodnight Theo." I said, using the nickname I hadn't used since I was a teenager.

Theodore raised his eyebrows, looking down at me, and then a small smile tugged at his lips.

He walked around the bed and got in bed with me. He hooked an arm around my body, and I moved back, letting myself melt against his bare chest.

He needed to think I was into him.

Sex or not.

He needed to think I liked him. That I as falling for him.

That was the only way for me to get away.

I just had to act like I was in love with him.

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