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I stared at Fred as he slept, running my fingers through it.

I sat against the headboard and his head laid close to me, his forehead almost touching my thigh.

I had woken up rather early this morning, not being able to fall back asleep.

Watching Fred was very calming. I loved just watching the features on his face and the way his lips parted as he breathed heavily in his sleep.

He moved in his sleep, hooking an arm over my thighs while humming quietly. He got more comfortable, his nose brushing against my skin.

I chuckled, running my fingers through his hair again.

Then I moved away from him and crawled off the bed to get into some clothes. I found a clean pair of underwear and as I closed my bra, I heard Fred groan.

"Where'd you go?" He asked, his voice hoarse and tired.

I looked back at him to see him lie on his back, watching me as he was propped up on his elbows.

"Just getting dressed." I smiled. "I'll be back in bed, don't worry."

After I put on a pair of Christmas pyjamas pants and a jumper, I crawled back into bed and Fred pulled me close, hiding his face in the crook of my neck.

"You smell nice." He whispered, brushing his hand under my jumper to rest it against my warm skin.

I smiled.

"You know what day it is?" I asked. "Happy Christmas, my love."

He lifted his head slightly to look at me, pressing a kiss to my jaw.

"Happy Christmas, pretty girl." He said before going back to cuddling me. "Let's lay here for a moment before we get up."

I chuckled.


Though had moment quickly ended as the door barged open and Myeong sprinted into the room.

"Wake up, it's Christmas!" He screamed, jumping onto the bed and Fred and I pulled from each other.

Fred groaned as Myeong accidentally kicked him between the legs, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Happy Christmas, Myeong." I smiled and sat up, hugging him as he threw his arms around me.

"Happy Christmas, Kai!" He exclaimed. "Happy Christmas F!"

"Happy Christmas, buddy." Fred muttered, curled up in a pained position.

"How about we go wait for Freddie in the living room?" I asked Myeong, lifting him off the bed and as he sprinted out of the room again.

I looked at Fred. His eyes were squeezed shut, his eyebrows furrowed and then he let out a quiet gasp.

"I am never having children."

"With those busted balls, you aren't." I shook my head, laughing before I walked around the bed.

I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his head.

"Get dressed. Myeong is very impatient when it comes to presents... as you know." I said, leaving the bedroom.

Myeong was sitting on the floor by the Christmas tree, watching the presents with excitement.

I sat on the sofa, watching my brother gush as he took in the sight of presents filling most of the area around the tree.

I could hear Fred shuffling with his clothes in the next room and then it sounded like he was about to fall, which I obviously laughed a little about.

We spent a couple of hours watching Myeong open presents. He got excited over the smallest things and when he was done, he ran into his room to play with one of his new toys.

Fred grinned at me as he scooted closer to the tree from where he sat on the floor. He grabbed one of the presents that were left, and handed it to me before he placed his arms over his knees.

"Wait... no actually I think you should open that when I've opened mine." He smiled and I watched him for a moment before laughing, nodding.

"Alright." I smiled and placed the package  next to me.

I slid off the sofa and reached for the last present under the tree, giving it to Fred.

I watched him open it and I saw his eyes light up when he saw the dark red hoodie in his favourite brand.

"There's something under it." I said and then he found the denim jacket that I had bought him.

Fred looked at me after studying the clothes for a while, and then he smiled, bringing me in for a hug.

"Thank you, lovely." He whispered, kissing my cheek again and again before pulling away to kiss my lips.

"Do you like it?" I asked softly, running my hand around his waist.

"I love it." He assured me, leaning in to kiss me again.

I smiled against his lips, knowing that that present wasn't the last one I had for him.

He thought it was, but I had something else for him for later.

Fred reached for the present on the sofa and handed it over to me.

"Open it." He rushed, and I nudged him with my elbow, before I did.

I was careful with the wrapping but eventually, I found the plain cardboard box inside.

Inside of the cardboard box, there was a tray of two different bowls. Grey bowls with 'meow' written on them.

Then Fred stood up and I looked up at him, my eyes wide while he smirked, walking down the small hallway.

When he returned, he was holding a orange and white cat in his hands, and I gasped, my eyes widening.

I got to my feet, sinking onto the sofa instead.

"This is Aaron." Fred said as he joined me on the sofa, the cat on his lap.

He let him walk over to me and as I ran my hand over the back, he purred, raising his tail to wrap it around my hand.

"You... how—"

"One of the rescue centres across town are opened over the holidays. I found this little guy."

Aaron palmed his palms against my thigh, purring as he looked at Fred.

"He's around three years old." Fred told me. "He had a quite rough start at life, living on the streets among other cats and dogs. He's got a scar across his eye but it doesn't affect his health in any way and he can see just fine."

Aaron looked up at me and then he settled between us both, curling up against Fred's thigh.

"He's adorable." I said quietly, watching the cat sleep as he purred. "Where've you been hiding him?"

Fred smiled weakly at me as he brushed his fingers through the orange fur on the back of Aaron.

"He's been staying in the laundry room since yesterday. I went and got him after we got home from the Burrow."

I stared at Aaron for a while, then looked at Fred, a chuckle leaving my mouth.

"We have a cat." I said. "We're cat owners."

"Yeah." Fred laughed and leaned closer to me, running his hand to the nape of my neck, and I met him in a kiss.

"I love you." I whispered, brushing my nose against his which caused him to laugh again.

"And I love you."

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