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"Let me go!"

I was screaming and screaming and screaming, banging my fists against the door.

Theodore had locked me in a bedroom he claimed to be ours.

There was a window that couldn't be opened, a window with such thick glass that I couldn't possibly smash no matter what I used.

"Theodore!" I screamed, kicking the door. "I'm going to kill you if you don't let me out of here!"

I spun around, looking for anything to throw. I hurried over to the lamp on one of the nightstands, and I threw it across the room, watching as it shattered.

Then I heard voices, and shortly after the door to our room opened.

"Can you stop?" It was Gideon, leaning against the doorway, his arms folded over his chest. "I've got this pounding headache, and your fuss isn't helping."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I laughed. "Am I making your headache worse? Guess I'll just take a break on trying to get back to the home I was kidnapped from!"

I crawled across the bed and grabbed the other lamp.

"If you throw that—"

I threw it, and it shattered as well. Then I looked at Gideon whose jaw was clenched.

"You're such a bitch." He exhaled. "You're gonna make everything harder on yourself, Kai."

I glared at him.

"We'll talk about this after dinner." He said. "We have someone joining our company. He helped set up this entire basement just for you."

I scoffed.

"Lucky me." I said, grinning sarcastically at him.

"Get over here."



"I'm not doing anything you tell me to, and I'm not going to eat anything you cook for me. You can go to hell and so can everyone else!"

Gideon looked over his shoulder, but then he walked through the room, over the shattered lamps, and then I was cornered on this side of the bed.

As he came towards me, I tried to escape over the bed, but his hand caught around my ankle and I fell on the bed, screaming for him to let go of me.

"Stop! I'm sorry!" I screamed. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Gideon was on top of me and I cradled my head as he turned me over on my back.

I was protecting myself in case he was going to hit me.

But he didn't hit me.

He removed my arms and stared at me with angry eyes.

"You're gonna come with me, we're gonna sit down at the table, and we're going to have dinner." He said, getting off the bed, dragging me with him.

His hand was wrapped around my upper arm, all the way out of the room and into the kitchen where the dining table was.

But the second I noticed the tall person standing there, my entire body froze and I stopped walking.

Gideon looked at me, trying to gently pull me, but I didn't budge.

I just stared right ahead, my eyes meeting those dark brown ones.

Kwan stood proud and tall, wearing a black suit that made him look all formal. His hair was brushed back and sat perfectly, and he was cleanly shaven.

"Kyung-Hu." He greeted, smiling widely at me, and I took a step back, Gideon's hand dropping from my arm.

I slowly shook my head, because this couldn't be true.

He was actually alive, and he was here, with the people who kept me here against my will.

"How are you?" Kwan asked. "You looked rather surprised the last time you saw me. In your— your husbands shop, wasn't it?"

I just stared at him, feeling my mind fog.

Right now I would give anything to be dead. To not have to live through this sort of betrayal.

I was at a complete loss for words.

This isn't happening.

And suddenly I needed to throw up.

I felt it come way to quickly, and I threw up, right there, on the floor, and a little on Gideon.

"Oh c'mon!" He groaned, taking several steps back, while I clutched my stomach.

Then I started laughing as I looked at Gideon and the puke on his shoes and his trousers.

Theodore took a step forward, but Kwan held out an arm to stop him.

"Don't touch her." He said. "Go make sure she brushes her teeth."

Theodore walked towards me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders before leading me into the bathroom.



"Kai?!" I called, twenty minutes after she walked into the bathroom.

Angie was here, snacking on some crisps she found in one of our cupboards.

I leaned against the kitchen counters, holding Aaron against my chest while petting him.

"So how's things with you and the less attractive twin?" I asked. "Is the pregnancy stressing you out yet?"

"Yet?! It's been stressing us out for months!" Angie exclaimed. "And Arthur's first birthday is coming up and you've got no idea how stressful that is. Your child's first birthday is—"

Then she shut up as my eyes moved to the floor.

"Shit. Freddie I'm sorry." She sighed. "I know you and Kai have been struggling with having a baby of your own. I really didn't mean anything—"

"I know, Angie." I assured her. "It's okay. It's just a sore topic, but it's fine."

She nodded slowly, I looked towards the hallway again.

"Kai, love?!" I called. "You alright in there?!"

"She probably's probably just enjoying her shower." Angie said, eating another one of the crisps. "Sometimes I stand under the hot water for an hour. Our water bill is devastated, but I'm not."

I snickered.

"I'm gonna check on her." I said and put Aaron down, and Angie nodded at me before I left the kitchen, walking into the hallway.

I coughed into my arm as I made my way down to the bathroom.

"Kai?" I called, knocking on the bathroom door. "Darling, are you still in the shower?"

No answer.

I sighed.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. "Can I come in?"

Still no answer.

I pushed down on the handle, shoving the door open and was met by silence.

No water was on, and her clean clothes was on the toilet seat. I stepped into the room, turning around but she wasn't anywhere.

"Kai?!" I walked back out and towards our bedroom. "Kai, you're in here?"

I walked into our bedroom but no sign of her here either.

What the fuck...

"Kai!" I shouted, walking back out of the room.

I searched every room in the house until I reached the kitchen again, and by now, my heart was raving.

Angie looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"She's..." I inhaled. "Not here..."

"What are you talking about?" Angie asked and pushed herself off the counter, giving me her full attention.

"Kai." I breathed, locking my hands behind my head. "I can't— she's not here."

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now