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The next morning, Fred was already awake when I woke up.

He wasn't in bed, so he was probably eating breakfast.

I got up and went about my morning routine, and when I finally entered the kitchen after getting dressed for the day, Fred leaned on the kitchen island, watching me with an expression I couldn't read.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked as I walked into the kitchen to grab some water.

"Tell you what?"

Fred snickered, straightening up as he watched me down an entire glass of water.

"That you aren't home for Christmas, Kai."

I shrugged, but then Fred slammed something down against the island, and I flinched, almost dropping the glass.

I looked at him.

It was his fist. He had slammed his fist down against the island so hard that it should be broken, but he didn't seem to be in pain or anything.

"You know what? I don't even care." He laughed. "Go run off to work. Avoid me, avoid everyone we know, and avoid the fucking problems. I don't care."

"Great." I responded, watching him shake his head at me as he turned to walk away, but then he stopped and turned to me again.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Kai!" He exclaimed, face red from irritation.

He laughed.

A laugh that scared me, and while he laughed, he ran both hands into his hair and tugged on it.

"You're gonna be working for Christmas." He said. "Which means you'll be working on our ten year anniversary. What is it they call that milestone? Tin? Ten years is tin, and you won't even be here."

He walked away, into the bedroom, leaving me standing in the kitchen.

But he came back shortly after, throwing something on the counter in front of me.

A black velvet box.

"I bought you a fucking diamond ring, Kai." He spoke, leaning on the counter, so close to me that his scent hit my nose. "Because a modern day gift to give to someone who's been married for ten years, is diamonds, and I've been saving for this diamond since our eight year anniversary."

I blinked, staring at the box.

"I don't want your diamonds." I said in a whisper and Fred scoffed as he grabbed the box, shoving it into his pocket.

"Of course you don't." He shook his head, pulling the box out of his pocket as quickly as he had shoved it down there.

He looked at it, sighing.

"I don't know what you want from me, Kai."

"I want you to leave." My voice was a whisper, and I inhaled sharply as soon as I managed to say those words.


"I want you... to leave me." I whispered, shutting my eyes while gripping onto the glass on my hand.

"Oh, really? Is that what you want?" He laughed again. "Well you can forget about it. I'm not leaving you. Ever. Do you hear me? Through sickness and in health, Kyung-Hu."

I didn't say a word. I just stared at the empty glass, blinking to keep any tears from spilling.

I put the glass in the sick, and then walked past him without giving him as much as a glance.

I grabbed my robes from the bedroom, throwing them over my arm before I left the room again.

Fred was still staring at me, now standing in the hallway.

"Don't go to work." He told me. "We need to talk."

"No we don't." I said. "We haven't talked for months, and we aren't going to start now."

I walked past him, but he grabbed onto my wrist, and all the patience left my body.

"What do you want from me?!" I screamed, turning around to face him. "Why can't you just leave?!"

He looked at me as if I had two heads.

"Just fuck off! Go knock up some woman and be a father to her child! Go be happy but leave me the fuck alone!"

The flat went quiet, and he just stared at me, not saying a word. I was full on crying, running my hands over my face and into my hair.

"I have to get to work." I muttered, turning around, and now I hurried to the fireplace to get away before he could stop me.

But he did.

Not physically.

I heard him cry, and that stopped me. I had a hand on the fireplace and my eyes landed on the photograph above it.

It was a photograph of Fred and I after we went and got married at the ministry. It was our first photograph as a married couple.

I shut my eyes.

"Come home, Kai." He breathed heavily, and I could hear the way his voice shook. "I miss you so much. Constantly. Even when you're here, you're not, and— I miss my wife, Kai."

He cleared his throat and I glanced over at him, seeing him try to gather himself.

"So let me know if you find her." He said before turning away, walking into our shared bedroom.

I went to work, I taught kids about charms, and when I got home in the evening, I immediately noticed four different people in the living room.

Fred, George, Lee and Angie.

I sighed loudly.

"Alright. What is this?" I asked, taking off my robes before throwing them over the living room chair.

"We're just having tea." Fred shrugged. "I invited them over. We're drinking tea, and we're talking."

I looked at the clock.

"At midnight?" I asked and then looked at them again. "Right."

"Yeah, well... it's gets pretty lonely in this house, especially when my wife avoids me all the time." Fred spoke, and I could hear on his voice that he definitely had something other than tea to drink.

"Kai, babe. Are you alright?" Angie asked and sent me a comforting smile.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Maybe, she's asking you because you get home at midnight, you don't even acknowledge me until I'm talking to you, and you look like shit."

"Dude." Lee spoke, making a face at Fred who was obviously drunk.

"Fred, why don't you sit down?" George asked, removing the bottle of vodka that stood awfully close to Fred's seat.

I stared at Fred who stared back at me, and then I turned to walk towards the bathroom, but his voice stopped me.

"You're hurting my heart, Kyung-Hu." He spoke and laughed. "It's not my fucking fault you can't have children."

My breath hitched in my throat, and I felt my eyes instantly water.

The room went quiet.

I hated that he just said that, and I hated that he was drunk because that meant he was just saying what he was too afraid to say while sober.

And I hated that he just said that in front of our friends.

It was humiliating.

I marched to the bedroom and found the stack of papers that I had hidden. Then I walked back out and threw them at Fred's face.

That caused him to stumble back, his shoulders hitting the wall.

"There. Sign the fucking papers and you'll be free." I said through gritted teeth. "You can find someone who can have children."

He grabbed the divorce papers, and when he realised what they were, he looked up at me through hurting eyes.

"I don't want someone else's children." He muttered. "I don't care about all that stuff. I care about you. I just want you."

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now