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I'm feeling sad.

I was just excited that I've got the money for school but when I told my friends, they left me on read.

Then when I confronted them about ignoring me, they said that they have their own stuff to worry about and that maybe they just don't have the energy to answer me.

So now I feel like a burden for being happy and wanting to share with them that I can actually go to the school I want to go to.


Carter was the one opening the door when we got to his flat.

He looked from Maya to me and then to Fred who stood behind us, one hand pushed into his denim jacket while the other held mine behind my back.

I know Carter has threatened Fred so he isn't all that comfortable being here.

"What's going on?" Carter asked, eyes mostly focused on Maya.

"Is Martha here?" Maya asked, and Carter's eyebrows fell into a slight frown at the question.

He shook his head, glancing at me again before his eyes focused on our little sister.

"She's asleep... we—"

Maya pushed past Carter and he stumbled into the doorframe. Then I walked past him, dragging Fred with me.

"What are you doing?" Carter asked as he shut the door. "Right now isn't a good time. Martha is asleep which she needs—"

"Oh fuck her and her needs." Maya scoffed. "Kai told me what happened with Kwan."

Carter straightened up, his eyes flicking to me and then he narrowed his eyes.

"Did she? Or did he make her." He gestured towards Fred which caused me to scoff.

"Don't do that. I'm capable of making my own decisions."

And he did sort of force me.

"She's sleeping, you said?" I asked, looking towards their bedroom and then I walked towards the door.

"Kai, don't!" Carter shouted but I ignored him. "You'll wake the baby!"

They caused me to stop. My eyes widened and I turned around to look at my brother.

"The baby? She had the baby?"

"What baby?" Maya asked in confusion. "Martha and you were expecting?"

"Wait..." I laughed and looked from Maya to Carter. " didn't tell Maya?!"

Carter sighed.

"Well... I— Martha didn't think—"

"Martha didn't?!" Maya laughed. "You're my brother! You didn't tell me you were having a baby! How is that— how could you— how?!"

"Maya, I'm sorry, but—"

"What the fuck is happening out here?" Martha's voice came from their bedroom and we turned to look at her. "Why are you here? Carter, why are they here?"

"Go back to bed, love. They were just leaving." Carter said and I watched him, seeing the way his index finger scratched at the skin on his thumb.

He always did that whenever he was stressed or scared, and right now he was doing it while looking straight at his wife.

I looked at Martha.

"He's scared of you." I stated, and Martha looked at me, cocking an eyebrow. "Why is my brother scared of you?"

"Scared of me?" Martha laughed. "Kai, I don't know what's going on, but I'm tired and I need to sleep so please leave and come back tomorrow."

No one moved.

I stared at Martha while Maya moved closer to Carter, saying something to him that I couldn't hear.

I walked towards Martha and she raised her eyebrows, taking a step towards me.

"I don't know what you've done to make him scared of you." I whispered. "But if I find out you've laid your hand on him, I will kill you."

Martha stepped even closer to me, then nodded for me to follow her down the hallway, so I did.

"Kai—" Fred spoke, but I ignored him and followed Martha into the guest room. She shut the door and faced me.

"I love your brother, Kai. I don't see why you suddenly don't trust me. We've been best friends since we were born. We've always been close. You know me."

"Do I?" I asked. "Remember when you threatened me? That's something I never thought my best friend would do."

Martha let out a scoff.

"What did you do to scare my brother?" I asked. "Have you hit him? Are you hitting him?"


"Are you threatening him?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Did you force him to kill Kwan or did you do it yours—"

I whimpered when Martha pulled into my hair, sharply pulling my head back while looking at me.

"Do not accuse me of murder." She said through gritted teeth, her free hand gripping my jaw tightly. "It's not my fault Kwan was being an insufferable fool and that he caused Carter to snap. If you think about it, it was his own fault."

I bit the inside of my cheeks, doing my best not to go crazy on her.

"I would suggest you, your sister and your husband gets the fuck out of my flat before I Avada Kedavra their arses."

"You absolute—"

She shoved me with so much force that I fell back against the dresser, the corner of it stabbing my side.

I ended up on the floor, whimpering in pain. I looked up at Martha who just stared at me.

"That wouldn't have happened if you weren't acting like such a brat." She said while I cupped my side, then my stomach as the pain spread there.

The door to the room opened and then Fred was by my side.

"What happened?" He asked, placing his hand on top of mine before he looked at Martha.

He didn't say anything to her and she just stared at us for a moment before walking out of the room.

Fred looked at me again.

"Babe..." he said calmly, rubbing my hand to try and make me look at him.

"She pushed me." I muttered. "She pushed me into the corner of the dresser."

Fred gently removed my hand, then carefully pushed up my shirt to see my skin.

"There's nothing to see." He said. "Which is good. You're not far along so the baby is nicely protected."

He helped me to my feet, rubbing his hand along my side while wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"You okay?" He whispered, pressing a kiss to my temple, and I nodded.

"I just want to go home." I said, and Fred guided me out of the room.

Martha wasn't anywhere to be seen, but Maya and Carter were talking.

"Carter? Where's Myeong?" I asked, earning the attention of my siblings.

"I dropped him off at school before you showed up." He said, folding his arms over his chest. "Why?"

"Because... if anything is going on in this flat, between you and Martha, I need you to think about his safety. Is it fair on him to live here? If she scares you, she's possibly scaring him as well."

He didn't say anything.

"I want to be there for you, Carter." I said. "I know you didn't kill Kwan. I know she's making you say that you did. I'm here when you decide you want my help."

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