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I wanted to scream.

I wanted to actually scream until my lungs exploded.

But I didn't. I held my nephew, giving him a bottle while Carter got to sleep. I offered it myself, as he hadn't gotten much sleep with having both Myeong and Chas.

Chas laid in my arms and Myeong was eating breakfast at the table. Carter was sleeping on the sofa so I tried to be as quiet as possible.

Fred hadn't been home for days and normally I would worry, but George had told me that he was staying at the shop, sleeping on the sofa in his office.

"Kai? Can I have a soda?" Myeong asked, looking up at me as he shovelled cereal into his mouth.

"A soda?" I asked, frowning at him. "Are you mad? For breakfast? Eat your cereal and you might have one for lunch."

My baby brother scoffed at me and I rolled my eyes, offering him a faint smile as he continued eating.

Chas finished his bottle and I put it on the counter before walking over to put him in his bassinet so he could get some sleep too.

He had been up all night, keeping both Carter and I up as well. Carter ended up having a breakdown. It was a mix of grief over his relationship to Martha, and loss of sleep.

I had taken over and Carter went to sleep. He fell asleep rather quickly which was understandable.

As Chas fell asleep, I ran both hands through my hair, then returned to the kitchen to clean his bottle.

I gathered the trash from the bin and walked to the door after tying a knot on the bag. I pulled the door opened and stepped out into the hallway, shutting the door behind me.

I didn't even get to take one step before my eyes landed on Fred who had just appeared from the stairwell.

The anger I felt towards him rose up and I marched towards him, pushing the trash bag into his hands.

Then I turned around to walk back to the flat.

"I'm sorry." Fred spoke and I stopped walking, taking a deep breath.

"For what? The way you acted or for walking out on me?"

I heard him sigh, and I cracked my knuckles before turning around to face him.

"Both..." he shrugged. "...but, it isn't easy for me either. How do you think it feels to have to try and get you out of bed, to try and get you to eat when I myself am struggling with this miscarriage? You lost them and—"

"I get it!" I shouted. "Okay? I fucking get it! I lost them. I lost them. I'm sorry!"

Fred stared at me while chewing on his lip. He took a step towards me, then inhaled.

"I'm gonna take the trash out and then we'll talk." He said, turning to walk back down the stairs.

I wanted to strangle him. Actually strangle him.

I turned around and walked back into the flat, shutting the foot behind me.

Myeong had finished his cereal and was currently putting his bowl in the sink.

Carter was now awake, sitting on the sofa. He was rubbing his face, and then looked at me through tired and squinted eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"A little past nine." I shrugged. "Fred's back by the way. I sent him down with the trash."

Carter snorted and ran a hand through his hair.

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