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7 years later

"You have got to be kidding me."

My head shot towards the door at the sound of Fred's voice.

Judging from the sound just two seconds ago, I was guessing he had slid on one of the toy trucks.

"Did you forget to put away your toys again?" I asked and looked down at my son through narrowed eyes.

He brought his hands to his mouth, giggling, and I couldn't help but laugh as I pulled him off the sink after brushing his teeth.

"Go clean up your toys." I told him, ruffling his red hair before he sprinted from the bathroom.

I brushed my own teeth, and then I left the bathroom, walking back down the hallway. I rested a hand against my stomach, my other hand resting against my hip.

When I walked by the open door to the first bedroom on the right side of the hallway, I stopped.

"Evan?" I asked, laughing softly at the sight of my five-year-old who laid on his bed, his head handing over the edge. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to get dizzy."

That's definitely Fred's son.

I laughed and leaned against the doorframe.

"You can try to get dizzy in the living room. Uncle Georgie and Aunt Angie will be over with Arthur and Elias soon."

Evan swung his legs around and stood up, swaying a little.

"Wow." He muttered, eyes wide as he pressed his hands to his head.

I grinned as he walked past me and made his way down the hallway towards the living room.

"Julian!" Fred called out, and I followed Evan down the hallway, seeing Fred in the kitchen, staring at two-year-old Julian who had accidentally gotten a hold of the food we were supposed to serve for George and Angie.

Fred laughed out of pure stress, running his hands into his hair.

"It's okay." I laughed as I walked and picked Julian up onto my arm.

Then I walked to Fred.

"Why are you making the food this early? It's supposed to be lunch, not breakfast."

"I know, because we've already had breakfast." Fred sighed and then pressed a kiss to my forehead before tickling Julian who shrieked and hid against me.

I laughed, backing away from Fred. Then I put Julian back down.

"Go keep Evan company." I smiled, gently shoving him in the way of the living room, and he started running in there.

"I swear to Merlin I am about to start crying right here." Fred told me, and I smiled as I approached him again.

Slipping my arms around his back, I tiptoed and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Is Jonas is in the garden?" I asked, and Fred nodded, but when I went to pull away, he pulled me right back.

"What do you think he'll be like when he arrives?" He asked, placing a hand on my stomach.

"He's a Weasley so I'm guessing he'll be wild." I said, raising my eyebrows. "Evan is probably in the living room right now, trying to make himself dizzy."

Fred laughed and dropped his head against the crook of my neck, holding me close.

We were naming our fourth son Simon.

Jonas was a miracle. I managed to carry to term and I gave birth in that bathtub all alone, but that was seven years ago, and he was healthy, so nothing had gone wrong.

Then we had Evan about five years ago. We tried IVF and it actually helped. They picked out the strongest eggs and we got Evan out of it, but I had just been so happy to be able to be pregnant and give birth again.

Though that time around, I did it in a hospital.

Then we had Julian about two years ago, also through IVF, and now I'm pregnant with Simon who we conceived naturally.

He's another miracle.

But it's all boys, and Simon is our last. But it's okay, because now that I have three sons and one on the way, I can't see myself as anything but a boys mum.

And I was only twenty-two weeks pregnant, but we had so many checkups because it was a high-risk pregnancy.

I wasn't scared.

I hadn't had a miscarriage in about eight years. We kept the pregnancies under tight surveillance.

"I'm gonna check up on Jonas." I whispered against Fred's lips, and he hummed softly, letting go of me. "Clean up the floor and we'll order something for lunch so you won't have to start over."

I walked through the kitchen and into the garden where Jonas was running around, playing football with himself.

His aunt Maya got him a football for Christmas last year, and he had been crazy with the muggle sport ever since.

He's only seven but he's actually really good, and he loves coming out here to play after breakfast.

Once he's brushed his teeth of course.

"I think it's gonna rain soon." I called out, and Jonas stopped, turned around and looked at me before he looked up at the grey clouds.

"But it's my birthday." He said with a frown on his face. "It's not supposed to rain on my birthday."

"Maybe it's all that trouble you've been getting into at school." I teased as he grabbed his football and started making his way over to the door.

"I haven't been getting into that much trouble." He shrugged. "It's not my fault he fell."

"Onto your foot?" I asked, and Jonas smiled innocently as he stepped inside and slid out of his shoes.

He put his football on the side table, and then walked further into the house, joining Fred in the kitchen.

I shut the door to the garden just as it started to rain, and my eyes landed on Fred and Jonas as Jonas helped his father clean up the mess that Julian had made.

With a small smile, I walked into the kitchen and past them, entering the living room.

The boys had gotten a hold of the remote and were now watching tv, both of them mesmerised, but Julian couldn't sit still like usual.

He kept moving around, talking to Evan who ignored him so he could watch whatever was on the kids channel.

I turned back around and I saw Fred laugh as he ruffled Jonas' hair.

I leaned against the doorframe, and I smiled because this was everything I've ever wanted.

To give Fred the big family he so wanted.

And now, eighteen years into our marriage, we had three happy and healthy boys, and a little baby boy on the way.

And with all threats gone — with my kidnappers either dead or in Azkaban, we could finally live a life without having to worry.

We were finally happy.



It's done.

It's finished.


But they got their happy ending. Fred got the family he always wanted, and Kai managed to give that to him which was her biggest dream.

Anyway, if you want to read another Fred fan fiction, I actually just published one today.

It's called 'Songbird'

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