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"We're going to be late."

Fred glanced at me as he buttoned his shirt while standing in front of the mirror.

"I'm not the one who wanted their ear pierced ten minutes before we had to leave." I said. "And you even cried like a baby! It doesn't even hurt that bad!"

Fred gasped loudly and turned towards me. "I did not cry."

"Yeah you did."

Fred watched me as I walked over to the dresser and I felt him approach me while I looked for a belt as I seemed to have lost some weight since the last time I wore these trousers.

Must've been last Christmas.

"Alright... we need to get one thing straight, Kai." He spoke. "I did not cry. I don't cry."

I sighed and threw my head back before I turned towards him while sliding the belt through the loops on my trousers.

"Why is it that men can't show weakness?" I asked. "You know, there is nothing wrong with crying."

He grabbed onto either end of my belt, pulling me closer to him before he buckled it for me.

"How tight do you want it?" He asked softly, his eyes flicking from the belt to my face.

He tightened it slowly, and I chuckled, reaching down to place my hand on his when it was tight enough.

"Are you sure your mum isn't going to hate me again?" I asked and placed my fingers against his cheek to turn his head. "Remember the first time I pierced your ear?"

"We were teenagers back then..."

"Your mum wasn't." I scoffed. "Everything has been good between your mother and I since Theodore stabbed me and I can't handle her turning again."

Fred turned his head again to look down at me, his fingers slipping from my belt to rest against my waist instead.

"But it looks really hot." I smiled, studying his ear and the new stud in his earlobe that I had pierced just ten minutes ago.


"Uh-huh." I bit down on my lip, nodding before I leaned in and kissed his jaw. "Very."

I kissed his jaw again while Fred slid his hands around my body and down to my arse.

"We have to leave." Fred whispered against my hair, and I hummed, placing a kiss on his neck. "Myeong is in the next room, Kai."

"I know." I groaned and tilted my head back to look up at him. "Fine... alright. I'll wait until tonight."

Fred chuckled as I slipped my arms from around his body.

"Are we travelling by apparition or by floo powder?" I asked, watching Fred fold his sleeves up to his elbows, revealing the tattoo on his forearm that he had made a few years back.

It was leaves growing up his arm and snaking around it.

"Apparition?" He said, making it sound like a question. "That way we don't risk Myeong saying The Burrow wrong and end up somewhere random."

I cocked an eyebrow.

"Sorry." He chuckled. "Harry did that the first time he travelled by floo powder."

"When was that?"

"His second year, I believe." He nodded. "The boy ended up in knockturn alley and he was twelve. Imagine if Myeong turned up somewhere all on his own."

"Yeah okay." I nodded quickly. "Apparition it is."

I left the bedroom and walked into the living room where Myeong was watching television like usual.

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now