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Dinner was unusual quiet. Fred was still upset about earlier but I just couldn't take my mind of Theodore.

He was back.

He was actually back. It was rare that I thought about him, but sometimes I did.

Growing up, he was my best friend's older brother. He was a family friend and then everything happened and it sucked and I couldn't see how Theo could end up like that.

He was manipulated. That had to be it, because now he's back and he seems so normal.

I glanced at Fred who was leaned back in his chair, eating without saying a word.

His hair was hanging loosely around his face. It was long but not as long as it had once been. It was wavy and he looked incredibly good when he moved a hand up to brush it back.

I placed a hand on his thigh underneath the table and he looked up, his eyes meeting mine.

"Did you know that Theodore's back?" I asked, and he frowned, searching for something in my eyes before putting down his fork.


"Theodore. I went to see Felix and Lee earlier and Theodore was there."

Fred now sat up straight, obviously feeling uneasy and I frowned slightly at his reaction.

He let out a heavy breath, tugging at his collar.

"Did you talk to him?"

At first, I didn't answer but when Fred looked at my eyes again and cocked an eyebrow, I nodded.

"Yes." I told him and Fred hastily ran both hands though his hair. "Darling, what's the matter?"

He ran a few fingers over his lips, looking at the table.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." He muttered, standing up and pushing the chair back.

He rushed down the hallway to the bathroom and I could hear him throw up which had me quite worried.

I stood up, walking down the hallway to join him in the bathroom.

"Fred? Are you alright?" I asked as I walked over to feel his forehead, but he gently shoved me away and dropped on the floor next to the toilet.

He bent his knees, shaking his head as he hung it low.

"You're not coming down with something, are you?" I asked, crouching in front of him.

I reached for some toilet paper and wiped his lips before I flushed the toilet.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered, covering his face with his hands.

I chuckled. "What're you sorry for? Fred, look at me."

He did, chewing on his bottom lip and his eyes avoided mine, just scanning over my face instead.

"What's going on?" I asked quietly, placing a hand on his knee but he just sighed and shook his head, throwing his head back against the wall.

"I did something bad, Kai." He said, his voice faint as he stared at the ceiling.

I sat down properly, crossing my legs as I stared at him.

"How bad is bad? You have a habit of overreacting."

"Oh, I'm not overreacting." He let out a laugh. "Please promise me never to go near Theodore again."


He shut his eyes.

"You can't leave me." He whispered and now I was really worried.

What the hell did he do?

"What the fuck did you do?" I asked and this time he looked at me as my voice was rough and accusing.

"I— listen... I only did it because I love you, yeah? You were hurting so badly and I couldn't stand it. I wanted you to be happy."

"What are you talking about?"

"I obliviated you!" He blurted, the sentence coming out louder than expected.

I flinched a little at his words, then moved back a little as I processed his words.

Fred looked at me, fear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Kai. I—"

"What?" I cut him off. "You— what? No you didn't."

"I'm sorry." He repeated. "Theodore kidnapped you. He raped you and he kept you for over a month, treating you like you were his little wife or something. He left you to die in the forest, Kai and when we found you, you were so broken. I couldn't handle it and I did it and I shouldn't have but—"

"No you didn't."

I stared at him, my eyes wide at what he just revealed.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking, but you were hurting and I couldn't stand to see you like that. You wanted the pain to go away."

Shaking my head, I wiped the tears from my cheeks and shut my eyes.

I married the man in front of me...

But the man in front of me, wasn't my husband.

I got to my feet, hurrying out of the bathroom, and Fred went after me.

"Kai, wait!"

I went straight for the door where my shoes stood, but then I felt Fred's hand wrap around my wrist.

I spun around and pushed him in the chest as hard as I could.

"No!" I screamed at him. "Fuck you!"


"When was this?" I asked, stepping closer to him. "When did all of that happen? When did you erase it from my mind?!"

I was crying all hysterically and so was he.

"Ninety-eight." He said quietly, and then I slapped him which didn't surprise him.

"Six years ago?!" I screamed. "You've lied to me for six years?!"

He cupped his cheek where I had hit him and as he dropped his hand, I saw how red it was, but I didn't care.

"You know what? I'm not leaving. I'm not the one who's fucked up. You leave." I said and stepped aside, pointing at the door.

"Kai, please just listen—"

"Get out."

"No, listen to me!" He raised his voice just before I screamed at him to fuck off.


"Just leave!" I screamed, and he did. He stepped into his shoes and left.

I slammed the door shut, locking it and then I cried with my forehead resting against the door.

I tried to calm myself down, taking a few deep breaths but when it didn't work, I started hitting the door until my knuckles hurt.

I turned around and slid down the door until I sat on the floor, staring into the flat.

Aaron stood on the sofa, looking my way, watching what was happening, and then he jumped onto the floor and walked off into the bedroom.

I threw my head back, breathing heavily as I stared at the ceiling.

My mind was a mess. Every possible thought crossed and I didn't know how to calm it down.

Fred, the guy I married, the guy I was building a life with, had done this towards me and continued to lie for me for years.

I had reacted very strongly, but I was freaking out. I couldn't believe it.

What was I supposed to do now?

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now