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Some of us decided to stay back and clean up once the party ended.

But at some point, I got nauseous and had to excuse myself to the bathroom to try and get myself under control.

Don't throw up.
Don't throw up.
Don't throw up.

I leaned on the sink, my eyes shut and a hand covering my mouth.

When someone knocked on the bathroom door, I jumped, and then froze.


It was Angie's voice on the other side, and I felt myself relax slightly.

"Are you okay out there? This is the fifth time tonight you've had to go to the bathroom after going pale. Fred told me you felt sick earlier."

I reached forward and unlocked the door before Angie stepped inside and shut it behind her.

"You're pregnant." She said, her voice different from when she was on the other side of the door.


"Been feeling sick?" She asked with a scoff. "Oh, and you've turned down alcohol all night. Even coffee. You've been drinking nothing but water. You're pregnant."

I sighed and slid down to sit on the toilet seat.

"Alright, yes. I'm pregnant."

"Oh my—"

"But you can't tell anyone!" I stated, pointing a finger at her. "I'm nearly five weeks along and I haven't told Fred yet."

Angie covered her mouth for a moment before giving me a huge hug.

"Congratulations babe." She whispered, before pulling away to look at me again. "Are you happy?"

I thought about it for a moment. I hadn't really given it much thought.

I hadn't wanted to get pregnant again, in fear of losing it again, but yes...

Yeah, I was happy about it.

I nodded.

"Good." Angie smiled. "So... how are you planning on telling Fred? Are you going to surprise him? I've seen a lot of people buy their partner a gift and then it's a positive test or something."

I bit down on my lip as I stared at the wall.

"I don't know, Angie. Do I have to tell him? What if I miscarry again? Can't I just wait until I'm in my second trimester and the risks have sunk?"

"Oh, no you have to tell him, Kai." Angie said. "If you do miscarry again which I'm sure you won't, you're gonna want someone there. You're gonna want your husband to be there for you."

"The last time we ended up fighting."

"And you're scared you'll fight again?"

I nodded.

Angie crouched down in front of me, catching my gaze.

"Listen. You've had one natural miscarriage. Let's forget the other times with the dagger and Theodore's child. You've had one miscarriage. If you'd had two or more natural miscarriages, you'd be at risk for another one, but you've miscarried one time."

I sighed and shut my eyes as I hung my head low.

"You're under the age of thirty-five, you don't have any chronic conditions. As far as you're concerned, you don't have any cervical problems. You don't smoke and you're staying away from alcohol because you're pregnant, and you're at a healthy weight. There're no increased risk of miscarriage."

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